Arthrosis is a premature wear of an intra joint cartilage. One of the reasons leading to a disease, aging of chondrocytes, cells of cartilaginous tissue. Total quantity of a cartilage in a joint, especially notable with approach of advanced age, and also after injuries, posttraumatic inflammations, professional constant loads of certain joints can gradually decrease (for example, at football players and workers of agriculture). Most often at an osteoarthrosis also coxofemoral (coxarthrosis) joints are surprised knee (гонартроз). One of the earliest symptoms of arthrosis is pain in knee joints. At the beginning of a disease at rest it is practically absent, but appears at load of a joint.
Arthrosis primary (genuinical) — the arthrosis beginning without the noticeable reason and affecting not changed joint cartilages in many joints at the same time; it is observed more often at persons 40 years are more senior.
Arthrosis secondary — is an outcome of diseases or injuries of joints.
Arthrosis generalized (polyarticulary, polyarthrosis) — the arthrosis which is characterized by multiple damage of joints.
The arthrosis deforming — the arthrosis which is characterized by the expressed destructive and hyperplastic changes of the joint ends of bones, shown severe pains, a considerable defiguration of joints and the progressing dysfunction; more often hip and knee joints are surprised.
Arthrosis unkovertebralny — the deforming arthrosis of the joints which are in addition forming between shoots on the posterolateral surfaces of the II—II cervical vertebras; it is shown by symptoms of cervical and humeral neuritis and other neurologic symptoms.
Arthrosis symptoms:
In the beginning painful changes appear in internal (so-called synovial) a cover of a joint bag, then they take the cartilage covering the joint surfaces of the jointed bones; the cartilage gradually collapses, baring a bone; the bone tissue is rarefied by places, is condensed with places, bone acanthoid outgrowths are formed — the picture of the deforming A. Chashche A. develops develops in coxofemoral, knee and the first metatarsophalangeal joints. Usually people of middle and advanced age are ill. The disease is shown by pains which develop gradually, arise periodically, become aggravated after sharp exercise stresses or, on the contrary, after a long condition of rest. Owing to pains mobility in a joint is limited. There are inflammations of the fabrics surrounding a joint and nervous trunks, function of a joint suffers also owing to a protective muscle tension.
Arthrosis reasons:
Can result from intoxications, infectious diseases (for example, typhus, syphilis, etc.), joint injuries (a change of the joint ends of bones, injury of a joint cartilage), and also at a considerable functional overload of a joint (for example, at ballet dancers, loaders, etc.). Cold has the known value (for example, And. at working hot workshops). Disturbance of food of the joint (epiphyseal) ends of bones is the cornerstone of a disease. Owing to change of passability or damage of the vessels feeding a bone there are aseptic necroses aggravating defeats in a joint. Thus, the disease has the progressing character.
Treatment of Arthrosis:
Treatment — out-patient and in sanatorium conditions (Tsqaltubo, Yevpatoria). Appoint anesthetics, hormonal drugs (an adrenocorticotropic row), physical therapy (thermal procedures, ultrasound), remedial gymnastics, massage. In hard cases — surgery (an artificial ankylosis, an arthroplasty).