Retroperitoneal abscesses
- Description
- Symptoms of Retroperitoneal abscesses
- Reasons of Retroperitoneal abscesses
- Treatment of Retroperitoneal abscesses
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see also:
- Brain abscess
- Abscess
- Abscess of lungs
- Amoebic abscess of a liver
a href="" class="spoiler_links">To show all list
- Dental abscess
- Abscess of soft tissues
- Abscess of sweat glands
- Skin abscess
- Tubo-ovarian abscess
- Ovarian abscess
- Intra belly abscesses
- Liver abscess
- Douglas abscess
- Retropharyngeal abscess
- Prostate abscess
- Kidney abscess
- Appendicular abscess
- Abscess of a nasal partition
- Cerebellum abscess
- Corn abscess
- Okolochelyustna abscess
- Language abscess
Abscess retroperitoneal (abscessus retroperitonealis) - the abscess which is localized in retroperitoneal space.
The retroperitoneal space is located between a back leaf of the peritoneum and a cross fascia covering a back part of an abdominal cavity. An ekstraperitonealny part of a digestive tract enters the front retroperitoneal space which is located between a back leaf of a peritoneum and a front renal fascia: the ascending and descending colon, a loop of a duodenum and a pancreas. The abscesses arising in this area usually are result of pancreatitis or perforation of the ekstraperitonealny departments of intestines which are located there and are followed by fever, an abdominal cavity pains or in its side departments (from edges to an ileal bone), morbidity at a palpation and emergence in a cavity of the palpated masses.
Symptoms of Retroperitoneal abscesses:
Fever, oznoba, unilateral pains in side department of an abdominal cavity, in a stomach, a dysuria — the main symptoms of a disease. Quite often the palpated masses is found. Also the leukocytosis, a pyuria and positive takes of a cultural research of urine are typical. In crops of blood at 20 — 40% of patients it is possible to allocate the activator. Clinically pararenal abscess differs from uncomplicated acute pyelonephritis in more long period of existence of symptoms of a disease until hospitalization (usually more than 5 days) and unsuccessful attempts to reduce body temperature within 5 days use of antimicrobic means. On roentgenograms of bodies of a thorax pneumonia, atelectases of pulmonary fabric, a pleural exudate or a high position of a dome of a diaphragm on the party of defeat come to light. On excretory Urogramum badly visualized kidney, destruction of renal cups, front shift or unilateral fixing of a kidney which are better visible at a roentgenoscopic research, and also in the pictures made during a breath and an exhalation is found.
Reasons of Retroperitoneal abscesses:
Arises at pancreatitis, damages of a back wall of a duodenum, paranephrites, etc.
Treatment of Retroperitoneal abscesses:
Treatment consists in use of the corresponding system antibiotics, surgical drainage and elimination (or reduction) any obstruction of uric ways; the nephrectomy is sometimes necessary.

Drainage of retroperitoneal abscess