Prostate abscess
- Description
- Prostate Abscess symptoms
- Prostate Abscess reasons
- Treatment of Abscess of a prostate
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see also:
- Brain abscess
- Abscess
- Abscess of lungs
- Amoebic abscess of a liver
a href="" class="spoiler_links">To show all list
- Dental abscess
- Abscess of soft tissues
- Abscess of sweat glands
- Skin abscess
- Tubo-ovarian abscess
- Ovarian abscess
- Intra belly abscesses
- Liver abscess
- Douglas abscess
- Retropharyngeal abscess
- Kidney abscess
- Retroperitoneal abscesses
- Appendicular abscess
- Abscess of a nasal partition
- Cerebellum abscess
- Corn abscess
- Okolochelyustna abscess
- Language abscess
Abscess of the prostate (P) is a disease at which in a prostate pustules appear. Allocate two types of abscesses of a prostate: primary and secondary. The first (meets less often) arises as an independent disease of a prostate, the second (meets more often) - as a complication of the postponed prostatitis.
Prostate Abscess symptoms:
Manifestations, it is a clinical picture or the symptomatology of abscess of a prostate is quite characteristic. The general condition of the patient heavy, high temperature, to 40'C and above with a tremendous fever. Plentiful sweating and a cardiopalmus is observed. In a crotch there is a sharp severe and throbbing pain extending to a rectum, weight is felt. Defecation and an urination are complicated because of their morbidity therefore the acute ischuria develops. Roundish education can determine it by the speaker over a pubis on which at accurate pressing desires to an urination amplify. At break of abscess urine will be muddy because of pus impurity, or pus will contain in Calais.

Distribution of purulent zatek at prostate abscess
Prostate Abscess reasons:
Primary abscess of a prostate develops at a septicopyemia. That it was more clear, we will present a situation: the man as a result of overcooling and cold got sick with purulent quinsy. It is natural that this pus appears not in itself, and as a result of fight of an organism against bacteria which lodged in area of a pharynx and nasopharynx. Protective factors of an organism get from the blood vessels located close here. Therefore, those bacteria and their remains - pus, and existence in blood of bacteria and pus can get to the same vessels and there is a septicopyemia. Thus, bacteria begin "to swim" in blood and "reach" a prostate, a part them remains there and cause formation of a new abscess (abscess), similar to the fact that in a nasopharynx. I.e. the main difference of this type of abscess is that it appears in not changed, healthy prostate. Naturally, it is promoted by such factors as overcooling in the field of a basin, weak immunity, etc. Fortunately, this type of abscesses of a prostate meets very seldom and to consider it in detail there is no sense.
The greatest relevance is represented by the secondary abscess of PZh arising as a complication of acute or chronic prostatitis. According to some information the frequency of such complication reaches 5%. Most often emergence of abscess is connected with inadequate treatment of an inflammation of a prostate. As a result this inflammation drags on, stagnation and hypostasis proceeds, there is no access to fresh blood and consequently and to protective forces of an organism, exchange products accumulate here, special aggression is gained by inflammatory factors that all together and becomes an initial link of injury of a prostate. At first small, hardly noticeable pustules form, then they merge in larger which can connect in one huge are and there is prostate abscess.
Treatment also depends on a stage of formation of abscess: on the first it will be conservative, then - surely surgical.
Prostate abscess, being a prostatitis complication, can also give the complication in the absence of necessary therapy. The most terrible that can happen is a break of the capsule with hit of contents in blood and with the subsequent development of a septicopyemia. I.e. gland becomes its source here, and new abscesses can appear in any other bodies. Also one of unpleasant complications - formation of fistulas: a prostate - a bladder; a prostate - a rectum (in this case the risk of additional infection of PZh and even a bladder at the expense of fecal masses appears). That to avoid all this, it is necessary to ask for medical care in time and to be treated honestly.
Treatment of Abscess of a prostate:
Treatment of abscess of a prostate as it was told above, depends on a disease stage. If pustules still small and they did not create own capsule, then treatment conservative using antibiotics. If it is established (at a palpation, ultrasonography) that the abscess cavity big, is limited from prostate tissues to the capsule and inside there are contents (pus) - it is the direct and absolute indication to surgery. "Where pus - there a section" - still great Hippocrates said.
The anesthesia is done is more often (better) local (the prick in a back - and disappears sensitivity from a belt below). Abscess is opened, washed out, impractical fabrics delete and everything is taken in into place. Complications at such operation, as a rule, do not happen. In the postoperative period appoint antiinflammatory drugs, antibiotics and disintoxication therapy.
At timely treatment the forecast for life and reproductive function favorable.