DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Stomatology Dental abscess

Dental abscess


Dental abscess, or tooth abscess, is a disease, a consequence of accumulation of pus which is formed in teeth or gums.

Symptoms of Dental abscess:

Pain is the main symptom of this disease. It can be quite severe pain of the pulsing character arising, as a rule, suddenly and amplifying on the expiration of several hours or days. In certain cases at dental abscess pain can give irradiation a box on the ears, a neck, or in a jawbone

      • pain is shown in a certain place at a nadkusyvaniye;
      • palpation of the struck area can be painful;
      • there is a hypersensitivity to cold or hot liquids;
      • unpleasant smack in a mouth;
      • the increased temperature;
      • the febricula which is shown that the most part of time the patient feels not very well;
      • a lockjaw – the phenomenon at which the patient hardly manages to open a mouth;
      • a lockjaw – the phenomenon at which the patient hardly manages to open a mouth;
      • sleeplessness;

Reasons of Dental abscess:

Usually abscess develops as a result of a bacterial infection which often arises in soft tissues of tooth. Initially bacteria can exist in a dental plaque (which is a consequence of consumption of food), in saliva. Bacteria, in an oral cavity accumulate on teeth, damaging both their, and gingivas. If not to delete a plaque at regular and appropriate toothbrushing with a brush and a dental floss, then bacteria can extend to soft tissues in tooth or a gum that, eventually, leads to abscess.

Treatment of Dental abscess:

Only the stomatologist will manage to provide to the patient with dental abscess due treatment. Treatment of dental abscess can include as standard dental manipulations, surgical intervention also in some cases can be required. The section, then pus which contains bacteria is carried out, is removed drenazhy. Anesthesia will be provided to the patient with local anesthetic. At periapical abscess the root channel needs treatment. At the same time in tooth brown an opening is made to remove pus. All damaged fabric will be removed from a pulp in the course of treatment. Then the pulp cavity is filled in order to avoid repeated developing of an infection. At treatment of periodontal abscess abscess is removed, and periodontal pockets are disinfected. The surface of tooth will be maleficiated on the level of a gum which shape should be corrected too. It helps at treatment of tooth and will be able to prevent developing of infections.

    Surgery at treatment of dental abscesses.
Patients with periapical abscess and an infection, most likely, will need to remove the struck fabrics in the surgical way that will be made by the surgeon-stomatologist. Patients with periodontal abscess and a recurrent infection probably should reform tissue of a gum and to remove a periodontal pocket that can be also executed by the surgeon. Even if after carrying out surgical manipulations dental abscess renews, tooth should be extracted.

For elimination of pain it is necessary to accept medicamentous drugs, many of which can be got, without holding the recipe; anesthetics can help to lower pain until when there comes treatment. It is important to study attentively the summary in packaging of medicine before its use. Anesthetics are intended to eliminate only temporarily pain so the visit to the doctor is anyway necessary.

    Effective anesthetics are aspirin, an ibuprofen or paracetamol, however they have the following contraindications:

      • the ibuprofen is contraindicated for patients with asthma and having problems with a stomach;
      • aspirin is contraindicated to children up to 16 years, and also to pregnant women and the feeding women;

    That you can undertake in order to avoid complications:

      • Avoid both some hot drinks and food, and too cold;
      • Eat warm food, chewing that party where abscess is not observed;
      • Use a brush with a soft bristle.

    Antibiotics, for example, amoxicillin and metronidazole, are appointed for prevention of spread of an infection and can be used along with the anesthetizing drugs. But, nevertheless, antibiotics should not be considered at all as remedy therefore it is not necessary to postpone a visit to the doctor.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Dental abscess:

  • Препарат Грамокс-А.


    Antimicrobic means for system use.

    JV LLC Sperko Ukraina Ukraine

  • Препарат Грамокс-Д.


    Beta лактамные antibiotics, penicillin.

    JV LLC Sperko Ukraina Ukraine

  • Сайт детского здоровья