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Skin abscess


Understand the pus accumulation caused as a result of a bacterial infection as abscess of skin. Developing of abscesses is caused by a popadeniye to the injured sites of leather of disease-producing bacteria which normal can exist on the surface of skin and by that cause inflammatory processes in hypodermic cellulose. Externally abscess has an appearance of painful education, filled with viscous muddy liquid (pus).

Disease-producing bacteria, defiant inflammatory reactions in hypodermic cellulose can extend from a zone of abscess and cause infection of surrounding fabrics, absorbent vessels and nodes.

Skin Abscess symptoms:

Development of abscess is followed by typical symptoms for this disease. At the patient body temperature, from subfebrile to extremely high increases, the febricula is noted, frequent headaches, appetite loss, and also general weakness are possible. In clinical blood tests the raised leukocytosis, as a result of  the inflammatory process proceeding in an organism is observed. The sizes and forms of abscesses can be the most various. Over an abscess, as a rule, there is a swelling and erubescence.

Skin Abscess reasons:

As the activator of purulent process staphylococcus, as a rule, acts. He can be as the only source of developing of abscess of skin, and in combination with colibacillus or a streptococcal infection, and also Proteus and other various species of microflora.

Penetration into an organism, as a rule, happens through microcracks and other damages of integuments. However spread of an infection also often meets from the inflammation center (a furuncle or an abscess). Also abscess can arise owing to suppuration of a hematoma, a cyst, and after careless introduction of injections to soft tissues. One of origins of abscesses is lymphogenous innidiation of a purulent infection.

Treatment of Abscess of skin:

As a rule, the suppurated centers open. For this purpose in an abscess zone the doctor does a section and allows pus to flow freely from area of an inflammation. The procedure is carried out when using of the anesthetizing drugs of local action, for example lidocaine. After drainage of the abscess, the doctor conducts examination of the inflamed site to be convinced that there is no pus in a wound any more. The remained particles of purulent masses delete by means of saline solutions. In certain cases, into the trained site insert the tampon made of a sterile gauze. Removal of a tampon is made through one - two days. For acceleration of process of healing heat and the raised provision of an affected area of a body is recommended.

If abscess manages to be drained completely, then antibacterial therapy is, as a rule, not necessary. At local spread of an infection, or at the abscess located in an average or upper part of the face, prescription of antibiotics is extremely necessary as there is a risk of hit  of disease-producing bacteria in a brain. The antibiotics sensitive to staphylococcus and to streptococci are used.

Post-surgical treatment includes so-called tactics on fight against a contagium, reduction of intoxication of an organism and  strengthening of immune systems of an organism. Prescribe the patient rest, rest, the various balanced healthy food, vitamins and plentiful drink. Prevention of abscesses of skin consists in respect for hygiene, and also safety rules and an exception of traumatism.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Abscess of skin:

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