Acute colitis
- Description
- Symptoms of Acute colitis
- Reasons of Acute colitis
- Treatment of Acute colitis
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see also:
- Colitis
- Ischemic colitis
- Chronic colitis
- Chronic spastic colitis
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Acute colitis - the acute inflammation of thick department of intestines most often arising as result of a dezinteriya.

Localization of the pathological center at acute colitis
Symptoms of Acute colitis:
Acute colitis is most often combined with gastritis and enteritis. The clinical picture depends on an etiology and localization of process. The general signs are: the acute beginning with a diarrhea, fever, the kolikoobrazny pains localized in the distinguished departments of a large intestine. Most megalgias in the form of gripes and gripes on the course of a large intestine, and also tenesmus (false desires) nablyuyodatsya at localization of process in the left department of a large intestine. The chair happens frequent, to 20 and more times a day; in the beginning has fecal zloyovonny character, slime with impurity of pus, an obyoryvka of a mucous membrane is emitted further. Temperature reaches 38 — 39 °, language is dry and laid over, appetite is absent, patients complain of headaches.
A little differently acute colitis at its preferential localization in the right half of a large intestine proceeds. The disease begins less sharply, pains are not so intensive and give to a waist, to the right hip. A chair no more than 10 times a day and without tenezm, excrements are liquid and fetid, but without visible slime, blood, pus as they podvergayotsya to digestion in the right half of a stomach. Temperature preimuyoshchestvenno subfebrile, however is observed sharp intoxication of an organism (the general weakness, headaches). The neutrophylic leukocytosis and the accelerated sedimentation of erythrocytes (ROE) is observed. The stomach is blown up, the palpation of a large intestine is painful. At defeat of a caecum in the right ileal area it is probed painful тяж. Similar тяж it is probed in the left ileal area at leyovostoronny colitis.
Acute colitis proceeds from several days to 2 weeks and zayokanchivatsya by recovery or passes into a chronicity with tendency to a recurrence. They can give and various an oslozhneyoniya — narrowing of a gleam of a sigmoid gut, a purulent, gangrenous vosyopaleniye with a gut perforation etc.
Reasons of Acute colitis:
Acute colitis most often voznikayot as a result of bacterial dysentery, is more rare than an amebiasis, a balanthidiasis, a lambliasis, etc. Acute colitis as an associated disease vstreyochatsya at the use of the food infected with salmonella, stafilokokyoka, streptococci, group bacteria a protea, intestinal and paraintestinal sticks at typhus, paratyphus, measles, flu and septicheyosky states. Sometimes acute colitis develops after the use plentiful, badly prepared and irritating, mainly ugyolevodny, food, and also after reception of a number of medicinal substances in relation to which hypersensitivity of an organizyom is noted. Colitis happens also toxic character at poisoning with mercury, arsenic, benzene, uraemia when toxic substances are emitted in a gleam of a large intestine.
Treatment of Acute colitis:
Treatment has to be etiological. However regardless of an etiology are necessary: a) a high bed rest, and at a dizenteyoriya — isolation of the patient; b) on a stomach — hot-water bottles and the warming kompresyosa; c) appointment full mechanically and chemically sparing diyeyota and medicamentous therapy.
In the first days of a disease the patient is given only warm tea without sayokhar, from the 3rd day mucous broths are added. After subsiding of a diarrhea add broth, vegetable, farinaceous and meat proyoterty dishes, soups on a beef-infusion broth to mucous broths, fish broths, carrot, fruit juice. It is necessary to exclude whole fresh milk, black bread, fancy bread, sausage from food, bean, spices, canned food, snack, syyory vegetables and fruit. The diet has to contain 120 — 150 g of proteins, 60 — 70 g of fats and 300 — 400 g of carbohydrates, table salt of 10 g and vitamins of group B, C, And. From medicines reception slabiyotelny is once appointed. In hard cases its fractional use within 1 — 2 days in the form of 2% of solution of sulfate magnesia or sodium in number of 1 l a day is recommended. Purpose of sulfanamide drugs — a disulfan, sulfaguanidine, Ftalazolum, slowly всасывающихся from intestines, on 1 g of 5 — 6 times a day within 5 — 7 days is obligatory. Use of sulfanamide drugs is combined with prescription of antibiotics of a broad spectrum of activity — levomycetinum (synthomycin) on 0,5 g 3 times a day inside, streptomycin, biomycin, and also a tetrayotsiklin.
At strong tenesmus appoint candles with a belladonna or mikroyoklizm from antipyrine (0,5 g to 10 ml of water after a cleaning klizyoma). In case of organism dehydration intravenously or subcutaneously enter normal saline solution, 5% glucose solution in number of 500 ml. When falling cordial activity appoint subcutaneously кофеин, cardiazol, Cordiaminum etc. At amoebic colitis (amebiasis) sulfate emetine on 0,05 g subcutaneously 2 — 3 times a day within 5 — 6 days is appointed, and after a five-day break this treatment repeats 2 — 3 times.