Viral diarrhea
- Description
- Symptoms of Viral diarrhea
- Reasons of Viral diarrhea
- Treatment of Viral diarrhea
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The Viral Diarrheas (VD) — group of acute infectious diseases with damage of preferential upper parts of a GIT, moderately expressed symptoms of intoxication and sometimes an inflammation of mucous membranes of respiratory tracts. VD — one of the leading reasons of dysfunction of intestines at children of the first year of life. The reason of severe forms of VD at the baby — VD combination to intestinal infection of a bacterial etiology.
Symptoms of Viral diarrhea:
• During a disease allocate the periods •• Incubatory — 1–5 days (duration depends on a type of the activator and a way of infection) •• The period of the developed displays of a disease — 2–7 days (duration depends on existence of bacterial superinfection and a premorbidal background of the patient) •• The period of permission (reconvalescence) — 5–10 days.
The following is characteristic of all VD:
- Moderately expressed infectious and toxic syndrome (weakness, headaches, muscular pains, a loss of appetite, short fever)
- Defeat of upper and average parts of a GIT (diffusion abdominal pains, nausea, repeated vomiting, a plentiful watery foamy chair with a small amount of slime and always without blood)
- The inflammation of mucous membranes of upper respiratory tracts (in 30% of cases) - the Spotty or spotty and papular dieback observed for 4–5 day of a disease is more often at an enteroviral infection.
Indicators of weight of the VD-clinical forms GIT dysfunction degree of manifestation (frequency of a liquid chair and vomiting), existence of symptoms of intestinal toxicosis.
Reasons of Viral diarrhea:
Rotaviruses, kalitsivirusa, adenoviruses (serotypes 30, 40 and 41), enteroviruses, coronaviruses, astroviruses, TsMV.
Norwalk — the representative of big group of the viruses causing epidemic flashes of a gastroenteritis; find at children of advanced age more often.
Rotavirusny infection — the main reason for infectious diarrheas at children of early age practically at all seasons of the year. For clinically manifest forms of a rotavirusny infection the nosological name "rotavirusny gastroenteritis" is accepted.

Enteroviral infection - one of origins of viral diarrhea
Treatment of Viral diarrhea:
Hospitalization — at severe forms of VD, according to epidemiological indications (children from the closed children's collectives).
Diet. It is necessary to avoid the use of coffee, alcohol, dairy products, the majority of fruit, vegetables, meat. In 12 h after stopping of diarrhea food is begun with not concentrated broth, salty cookies, bread. At decrease in frequency of defecations gradually include rice, baked potatoes, chicken rice or noodles soup in a diet. At normalization of a chair add baked fish, apple sauce, bananas, poultry.
Peroral regidratation — rehydration salts, for example Natrii hydrocarbonas + sodium chloride + potassium chloride, sodium acetate + sodium chloride + potassium chloride, sodium acetate + sodium chloride, accept small drinks or every 3-5 min. on 50–100 ml during 3–5 h or to a thirst satisfying. To newborns and children of younger age — on 5–10 ml each 5–10 min. during 4–6 h. The drugs reducing an intestines peristaltics (for example, loperamide).