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Liver cancer


Cancer of a liver can be primary, that is proceeding from cells of hepatic structures, and secondary - growth in a liver of secondary metastatic tumoral nodes from the cancer cells brought in a liver from other internals at their primary tumoral defeat. Metastatic tumors of a liver register by 20 times more often than primary. The liver is one of the most often struck by metastasises body that is connected with its function in an organism and the corresponding nature of blood supply. In general more than a third of tumors of the most different localization affects a liver in the hematogenous way.

Primary cancer of a liver - rather rare disease making on different statisticians, from 0,2 to 3% of all cases of cancer. Among patients males prevail; the age from 50 to 65 years is the most struck. Men have 90%, and women have only 40% of primary tumors of a liver of a zlokachestvenna. In some regions of South Africa and Asia gepatoma make 50% of all carcinomas.

Liver Cancer symptoms:

In initial stages of cancer the febricula, various dispepsichesky frustration (appetite loss, nausea, sometimes vomiting), heavy feeling in right hypochondrium, the dull aching aches, fever are observed. There are the general weakness, weight loss (85% of cases) and anemia (anemia).

In several weeks into the forefront increase in a liver (88% of cases) acts, it can get the ligneous density, tuberosity. At palpation of area of a liver painful tumorous education (50% of cases) can be found. Gradually jaundice, symptoms of a liver failure (60% of cases) accrues. 10-15% of patients have an intra belly bleeding and shock develops. Endocrinological disturbances (for example, Cushing's syndrome) as a result of secretion by tumor cells of gormonopodobny substances are possible.

Liver Cancer reasons:

Development of cancer of liver is promoted by a chronic viral hepatitis In (80% of patients from gepatomy). The risk of developing of pechenochnokletochny cancer at carriers of a virus increases by 200 times (at male carriers it higher, than at women).
Cirrhosis (especially macronodular form) is found approximately in 60-90% of patients from gepatomy.

Development of cancer of liver is promoted hemochromatosis (excess contents in an iron organism), by her chronic diseases: hepatitis, cholelithiasis, parasitic diseases (opisthorchosis, schistosomiasis and others), and also syphilis and alcoholism.

Industrial products - the polychlorinated diphenyls, the chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents (for example, tetrachloride carbon, nitrosamines), organic chlorine-containing pesticides, organic compounds (the aflatoxins which are contained in foodstuff, for example, a peanut) can make cancerogenic impact on a liver.

Cancer therapy of a liver:

Radical cancer therapy of a liver represents yet not resolved task, and only at the isolated nodes of the small size it is possible to execute their surgical removal (a liver resection). Operational treatment surely includes a tumor biopsy. It is possible to establish operability of a tumor only after performance of a laparotomy (opening of an abdominal cavity). However such observations are rare, as a rule, patients with cancer of a liver treat the category of incurable and are subject to a symptomatic treatment.

The chemotherapeutic drugs administered intravenously practically do not render effect. Administration of drugs in a hepatic artery yields the best results.

At metastatic damage of a liver treatment depends on type and localization of primary tumor. Operational removal - the most effective method of treatment of metastasises of a liver. Operation is shown at defeat only of one hepatic lobe and in the absence of signs of extrahepatic metastasises.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for cancer therapy of a liver:

  • Препарат Эпирубицин.


    Anti-neoplastic means. Anthracyclines and related connections.

    Arterium (Arterium) Ukraine

  • Препарат Флурорацил.


    Antineoplastic means. Antimetabolites.

    SC Balkan Pharmaceuticals SRL (Balkans Pharmasyyutikals) Republic of Moldova

  • Препарат Митоксантрон.


    Antineoplastic means.

    SC Balkan Pharmaceuticals SRL (Balkans Pharmasyyutikals) Republic of Moldova

  • Сайт детского здоровья