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The term "anemia" without detailing does not define a specific disease, that is anemia should be considered one of symptoms of various morbid conditions. It is necessary to distinguish a hydremia and anemia, at a hydremia the number of uniform elements and hemoglobin remains the same, but the volume of a liquid part of blood increases.
Any anemia in itself is not a disease, but can meets as a syndrome at a number of diseases which can be or are connected with primary defeat of system of blood, or not to depend on it. In this regard strict nosological classification of anemias is impossible. For classification of anemias it is accepted to use the principle of practical expediency. It is the for this purpose most convenient to divide anemias on a uniform classification sign — a color indicator.
Decrease in concentration of hemoglobin in blood often happens at simultaneous reduction of quantity of erythrocytes and change of their qualitative structure. Any anemia leads to decrease in respiratory function of blood and development of air hunger of fabrics that is most often expressed by such symptoms as pallor of integuments, increased fatigue, weakness, headaches, dizziness, tachycardia, short wind and others.
At a routine research of a smear of peripheral blood the morphologist points to a deviation of the size of erythrocytes in the smaller party (microcythemia) or in the big party (macrocytosis), but such assessment if it is made without special devices — micrometers — cannot be free from subjectivity. The advantage of automatic blood test is standardization of an indicator — SKO. A shortcoming is rather expensive and difficult equipment demanding the corresponding service that often is impossible in the conditions of the Russian health care on the periphery.
Replacement of a color indicator by an indicator of SKO does not break the usual classification of anemias constructed on the basis of a color indicator.

Anemia symptoms:

Quite often anemia proceeds without the expressed manifestations and often remains unnoticed, in many cases becoming an accidental laboratory find at the people who are not showing specific complaints.
As a rule, having anemia note the manifestations caused by development of an anemic hypoxia. At easy forms it can be weakness, bystry fatigue, a febricula, and also decrease in concentration of attention. People with more expressed anemia can complain of an asthma at insignificant or moderate loading, heartbeat, a headache, a sonitus, sleep disorders, appetite, sexual desire can also meet. At very severe anemia, or in the presence of the accompanying pathology, development of heart failure is possible.
The important symptom which is often met diagnostically of the moderated or expressed anemia is pallor (integuments, visible mucous and nail beds). Such symptoms as development of a cheilosis and a koilonychia, strengthening of a cardiac impulse and emergence of functional systolic noise have also valuable value. Displays of acute and heavy anemias are always more expressed, than chronic and moderately severe.
Except the general symptoms which are directly connected with a hypoxia anemias can have also other manifestations depending on their etiology and a pathogeny. For example, development of disturbances of sensitivity at B12 - scarce anemia, jaundice — at hemolitic anemia and so forth.
At malignant anemia the achlorhydria is inevitable.

Anemia reasons:

    Anemias at chronic inflammations:
        At infections:
            bacterial endocarditis
            bronchoectatic disease
            lung abscess
        At collagenoses:
            system lupus erythematosus
            nodular polyarteritis
            Horton's disease
    Megaloblastny anemias:
        Pernicious anemia

Treatment of Anemia:

Generally at treatment of anemia use B12 vitamin and iron preparations. Also at the low level of hemoglobin packed red cells transfusions can be applied. In general tactics of treatment depends on type of anemia and weight of a condition of the patient.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Anemia:

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