Producer: CIAO Biofarm Ukraine
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A07F A10
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Powder for oral solution.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: Bifidumbakterin-Biofarma represents the microbic mass of live bifidobacteria of strains of Bifidobacterium bifidum No. 1. One dose of drug contains not less than 107 live bifidobacteria.
Main properties: powder (crystal or porous weight) of beige color of various intensity or beige color with a grayish shade with a specific smell and taste. At addition of water forms a homogeneous suspension of grayish-beige color.
Pharmacological properties:
The therapeutic effect of drug is defined by the live bifidobacteria having antagonistic activity in relation to a wide range of pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms. Administration of drug provides dominance bifidoflor in a mikrobiotsinoza and, thereby, contributes to normalization of activity of digestive tract, improvement of exchange processes, the prevention of development of long forms of intestinal diseases, increase in nonspecific resistance of an organism.
Indications to use:
Bifidumbakterin-Biofarma is intended for treatment of children and adults. To children, including premature, drug is used from the first days of life.
Bifidumbakterin-Biofarma is intended for treatment:
- children at long intestinal dysfunctions of an unspecified etiology;
- children (including newborn, premature), patients with pneumonia, sepsis and others it is purulent - infectious diseases, for prevention or elimination of disorders of function of intestines and the prevention of development of an ulcer and necrotic coloenteritis;
- children with the burdened premorbidal state which is given rise prematurely or with prematurity signs receiving antibiotics in the early neonatal period;
- children whose mothers had heavy toxicoses, extragenital diseases had the long anhydrous period and other pathology;
- children whose mothers had лактостаз, nipple cracks and when resuming feeding by a breast after recovery from mastitis;
- the weakened children with anemia, a hypotrophy, rickets, diathesis and other displays of an allergy; at a disease of whooping cough, especially in the presence they any frustration have functions of intestines;
- at early transfer of babies into artificial feeding or feeding by donor milk;
- children of advanced age both adult at the acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of a large and small intestine (colitis, coloenterites) proceeding against the background of deficit or absence bifidoflor;
- intestinal dysfunctions as consequences of the intestinal dysbiosis which arose after long antibacterial, hormonal, beam and other types of therapy at stressful situations and stay in extreme conditions, and also for the purpose of prevention of the specified pathology;
- at difficult epidemiological situation in maternity homes for the purpose of prevention of mastitis, for local processing of mammary glands of nursing mothers of group of "risk" (at women with the pulled-in flat nipple, existence of cracks);
- at disturbance of purity of a vaginal secret to the III-IV degrees, pregnant women have groups of "risk", at the bacterial colpitises caused by staphylococcus and colibacillus (in monoflora or in associations), and also at senile colpitises of the hormonal nature.
Route of administration and doses:
Drug is used in the form of solution. At intestinal diseases apply inside, in obstetric and gynecologic practice – intravaginalno and outwardly.
Before use contents of a bottle are dissolved in boiled water of a room temperayotura. For this purpose in a glass pour water at the rate of 1 teaspoon of water on 1 dose of drug (the quantity of doses of drug is specified on the label), then transfer a part of water from a glass to a bottle for drug dissolution. Further contents of a bottle are poured out in a glass with the remained water and peremeshiyovat (1 teaspoon of the solution received in a glass is equivalent to 1 dose of drug). The necessary number of teaspoons of solution (drug doses) is drunk in 20-30 min. prior to food. Babies can give solution of drug just before feeding.
For processing at women in labor of a nipple and the part of a breast adjoining it drug solution (on 2 - 5 doses) is applied with a sterile tampon for 20-30 miyonut before feeding within 5 days. The tampon moistened with solution is left on the surface of a mammary gland prior to feeding.
For intravaginalny introduction impregnate with solution of drug a sterile tampon which is entered intravaginalno and leave for 2-3 hours.
At intestinal diseases to children of the first half of the year of life drug is appointed on 3 doses to reception by 3 times a day, to children of the second half of the year and are more senior – on 5 doses 2 times a day.
It is reasonable to newborn of group of "risk" to begin use of drug in delivery room from first days of life to an extract (on 1-2 doses on reception 3 times a day).
To children at sepsis, pneumonia and others it is purulent - infectious zabolevayoniya appoint 2-3 doses 3 times a day in a complex with the standard methods of treatment of a basic disease. At emergence at this group of children of dysfunctions of digestive tract and threat of an ulcer and necrotic coloenteritis Bifidumbakterin-Biofarma's number is increased to 10 doses a day.
At acute chronic inflammatory diseases of a small and large intestine, colitis and coloenterites at adults about 5 doses 2-3 times a day are recommended to accept.
At intestinal diseases duration of a course of treatment of Bifidumbakterinom-Biofarma is defined by weight of clinical manifestations, age of the patient and makes 2-4 weeks, and in some cases – up to 3 months.
With the preventive purpose appoint 5 doses 1-2 times a day within 1-2 weeks.
At inflammatory diseases of female generative organs and prenatal training of pregnant women of group of "risk" Bifidumbakterin-Biofarma appoint till 5-10 doses within 5-8 days once a day, controlling recovery of purity of a vaginal secret to the I-II degree and disappearance of clinical symptoms of an inflammation.
If necessary the course of treatment of Bifidumbakterinom-Biofarma can be repeated.
Features of use:
Drug dissolution by hot water and its storage in the dissolved look is inadmissible. In need of use of contents of a bottle in stages (2-3 times a day) a part, necessary for reception, is separated a dry pure subject (a spoon, other) and used, and the remained weight is kept in densely closed bottle in the refrigerator before the following receptions.
Side effects:
It is not described.
Interaction with other medicines:
It was not investigated.
Are not established.
Storage conditions:
In the dry, protected from light place at a temperature from 2 °C to 8 °C. To store in the place, unavailable to children.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
On 5 or 10 doses in a bottle.