Producer: CIAO Biofarm Ukraine
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A07F A50
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Powder for oral solution.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: Бификол® represents the microbic mass of live strains of bifidobacteria (V. of bifidum No. 1) and colibacillus (E. сoli of M 17), lyophilicly dried up. One dose of drug contains not less than 107 live bifidobacteria not less 107th colibacillus.
Main properties: powder (crystal or porous weight) of different shades of brown color with a specific smell and taste. At addition of water forms a homogeneous suspension (possibly existence of small flakes).
Pharmacological properties:
The therapeutic effect of Bifikola® is defined by live bifidobacteria and M17 colibacilli. On the mechanism of action is the multifactorial medicine having antagonistic activity to a number of pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms. Exerts corrective impact on бактериоценоз, stimulates local reparative processes in intestines; interferes with development of the microorganisms causing rotting in intestines, maintains balance of normal microflora, reduces a meteorism, normalizes processes of digestion and absorption in intestines, promotes improvement of local immunity and resistance of an organism.
Indications to use:
Бификол® apply to treatment of the adults and children (since 6-month age) having chronic colitis of a different etiology, treatment of convalescents after acute intestinal infections (in the presence of intestines dysfunction, allocation of pathogenic bacteriums or the expressed dysbacteriosis).
Route of administration and doses:
Бификол® apply inside in the form of solution (a homogeneous suspension) which is prepared just before the use.
Contents of a bottle are dissolved in boiled water of room temperature. In a glass pour water at the rate of 1 teaspoon on 1 dose of drug (the quantity of doses is specified on the label), then transfer a part of water from a glass to a bottle for drug dissolution. Drug is dissolved no more than 5 minutes. Further contents of a bottle are transferred to a glass with the remained water and mixed (1 teaspoon of the solution received in a glass is equivalent to 1 dose of drug). The necessary number of teaspoons of solution (drug doses) is drunk in 20-30 minutes prior to food.
The daily volume of drug for adults and children makes:
- to children from 6 months to one year – 2-3 doses;
- to children from a year to 3 years – 3-5 doses;
- to children from 3rd to 5 years – 5-6 doses;
- to children from 5 to 10 years – 6-8 doses;
- to children is more senior than 10 years – 8-10 doses;
- the adult – 10-15 doses.
The daily volume of drug is divided into 2-3 receptions.
Duration of a course of treatment of Bifikolom® is defined by weight and duration of a disease, age of the patient, expressiveness of dysbacteriosis. Usually makes from 2nd to 5 weeks, and in some cases - up to 2 months and more.
For fixing of the gained clinical effect or in case of not full normalization of microflora, in 10-14 days after the termination of the first course of treatment it is possible to appoint the supporting course. At the same time drug is accepted in a half single and daily dose.
Features of use:
It is better to appoint drug after an antibioticotherapia course. At a heavy current of a basic disease when it is impossible to interrupt an antibioticotherapia course, drug is appointed along with antibiotics or other means of the directed action.
Drug dissolution by hot water and its storage in the dissolved look is inadmissible. In need of use of contents of a bottle in stages, a necessary part of drug is separated a dry pure subject (a spoon, other) and used, and the rest of drug is kept in densely corked bottle in the refrigerator before the following receptions.
Side effects:
Use of Bifikola®, as a rule, does not cause side reactions. Emergence of easy dispepsichesky frustration which take place independently is sometimes possible, without demanding drug withdrawal and assistance. More expressed reaction when it is reasonable to suspend administration of drug is in rare instances possible. If after treatment resuming by drug the expressed reaction repeats, administration of drug should be stopped.
Interaction with other medicines:
The therapeutic effect of administration of drug somewhat decreases at simultaneous use of antibiotics.
Contraindications to use of drug are not established.
Storage conditions:
In the dry, protected from light place at a temperature from 2 °C to 8 °C. To store in the place, unavailable to children.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
On 2, 3 or 5 doses of drug in a bottle. On 10 bottles in a pack.