
Producer: CJSC Partner Russia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A07FA
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Capsules.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: not less than 500 million colony-forming units of the bifidobacteria of B.bifidum occluded on absorbent carbon.
Excipients: lactoses monohydrate.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Anti-diarrheal effect of drug is caused by high concentration of the bifidobacteria (Bifidobacterium bifidum No. 1) occluded on particles of absorbent carbon, being antagonists of a wide range pathogenic (shigellas, salmonellas, golden staphylococcus, etc.) and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms (proteas, a klebsiyell, etc.).
Anti-infectious effect of drug is strengthened due to sorption of bifidobacteria on coal particles that leads to the accelerated normalization of a microbiocenosis of digestive tract, activation of recovery processes in mucous membranes and to increase in anti-infectious resistance of an organism.
Anti-toxic effect of drug is provided with bystry settling of intestines by microcolonies of bifidobacteria, recovery of normal microflora which interferes with penetration of toxins into internal environment of an organism and, being a natural biosorbent, accumulates the toxic substances getting from the outside or formed in an organism in a significant amount.
Bifidobacteria in high concentration activate pristenochny digestion of intestines, synthesis of vitamins and amino acids, strengthen protective function of intestines and a host defense of an organism.
Indications to use:
- diarrhea of various etiology;
- food toxicoinfections;
- acute intestinal infections of the bacterial and virus nature (the salmonelloses, shigelloses, coloenterites caused by pathogenic representatives of a sort of enterobakteriya or stafilokokka, a rotavirusny infection) or an unspecified etiology;
- the dysbacterioses of various etiology including which developed against the background of and after reception of antibiotics, cytostatic, radiation therapy; the complicating course of a viral hepatitis, cirrhosis, a divertuculosis of intestines of various localization;
- the newborn (including premature) to children with the burdened premorbidal background, since the period of stay in a maternity home, for improvement of a current of the period of adaptation, and also at the expressed dysbacterioses;
- to pregnant women by preparation for childbirth, Cesarean section and in the postoperative period.
Drug is used as a part of complex therapy:
- chronic infectious and nonspecific inflammatory diseases of a digestive tract (gastroduodenit, pancreatitis, a proctosigmoiditis, colitis, including ulcer colitis);
- patients with secondary immunodeficiency, at heavy infectious and inflammatory it is also purulent - septic diseases (sepsis, peritonitis, etc.); with skin diseases (atopic dermatitis, a streptoderma, eczema);
- syndrome of the angry intestines;
- acute respiratory viral infections and flu;
- surgical patients (including a traumatologic profile) for preoperative preparation and prevention of postoperative complications; at postgastrorezektsionny frustration and states after cholecystectomias;
- oncological patients when carrying out chemotherapy, radiation therapy, before and after surgical interventions.
Route of administration and doses:
Drug is used to children since the period of a neonatality and the adult.
At acute intestinal infection, food toxicoinfection, diarrhea:
- to children up to 6 months on 1 capsule 2 times a day; to children 6 months on 1 capsule 3-4 times a day (possibly with a short interval at 2-3 o'clock), a course 2-3 days are more senior; at preservation of clinical symptoms the course of treatment is extended up to 4-5 days;
- to children 7 years and the adult on 2-3 capsules 2 times a day a course of 3-5 days are more senior;
- the adult for the termination of diarrhea in early terms of a disease on 3 capsules 2 times a day with an interval of 30 minutes – 1 hour; it is possible to increase a dosage to 6 capsules in one step by reception of 1 times a day, a course of treatment of 1 - 3 day.
At chronic pathology of digestive tract, a syndrome of the angry intestines – to children on 3 capsules once during evening meal, the adult on 3 capsules once or on 2 capsules 2 times a day. Course of treatment of 5-15 days. At a severe disease can increase amount of the accepted drug adults and children to 6 capsules a day, and to increase a course up to 30 days.
At dysbacterioses of various etiology, persistent intestinal infections, at patients with immunodeficiency, with skin diseases, and also for improvement of a current of the period of adaptation at newborn children:
- the premature newborn on 1 capsule 1-2 times a day;
- to the full-term newborns and children up to 3 years on 1 capsule 2 times a day;
- to children from 3 to 7 years – on 1 capsule 3 times a day;
- to children 7 years and the adult on 2-3 capsules – 2 times a day are more senior.
Course of treatment of 7-10 days.
In complex treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and flu apply to patients of all age groups about 1-2 days of a disease on 1 capsule 3 times a day. Course of treatment 2 days.
To surgical patients, pregnant women by preparation for Cesarean section for the purpose of decrease in postoperative complications:
- before transaction of 1 capsule 3 times a day within 2-3 days; to the persons having the intestinal dysbiosis receiving antibiotics and himiopreparata, the preoperative course is extended up to 7 days;
- from 2-7 in the afternoon after transaction of 1 capsule 3 times a day within 2-3 days, according to indications – 7-10 days.
Пробифор® accept during meal, if necessary irrespective of meal, washing down with water. To children and patients who cannot swallow the whole capsule it is opened. Contents of the capsule are mixed with liquid food, it is desirable fermented milk product, the newborn and to children of chest age – with maternal milk or mix for artificial feeding. It is possible to mix capsule contents from 10-50 ml of boiled water of room temperature, at the same time the muddy suspension with parts of a sorbent of black color is formed. The received water suspension should be drunk, without trying to obtain full dissolution.
Features of use:
Пробифор® it is allowed for use to women during the periods of pregnancy and breastfeeding. There are no special conditions of reception.
There are no precautionary measures.
Пробифор® does not influence ability to manage vehicles, mechanisms.
Side effects:
Are not established.
Interaction with other medicines:
At a concomitant use of drug with vitamins (especially groups B) effect of drug amplifies. At simultaneous use with antibiotics decrease in effect of the drug Probifor® is possible - at reception of antibiotics the recommended interval between reception of an antibiotic and the drug Probifor® makes 3-4 hours.
Inborn insufficiency of lactase. Glucose galactose absorption disturbance, hypersensitivity to drug components.
Cases of overdose were not observed.
Storage conditions:
Period of validity - 1 year. It is not suitable for use after a period of validity, at outward change, at absence or indistinct marking, at detection of disturbance of integrity of primary packaging before the first opening. To Hranenit at a temperature from 2 to 10 °C. To store in the place, unavailable to children.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Capsules, 500 million, WHICH sorbed bifidobacteria. On 6, 10, 18 or 30 capsules in bank from polymeric material. Bank with the application instruction it is placed in a pack from a cardboard.