Intestinal dysbiosis
- Description
- Dysbacteriosis reasons
- Types of dysbacteriosis
- Dysbacteriosis symptoms
- Treatment of dysbacteriosis
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Dysbacteriosis is a pathological change of structure of microflora of a small bowel and change of microbic structure of a large intestine at diseases of intestines and other digestive organs, treatment by antibiotics and immunodepressants, influences of harmful environmental factors.
Dysbacteriosis reasons:
Most often the reasons of dysbacteriosis should be looked for in the childhood. Artificial feeding, irrational food, stresses (who does not remember — at children is them much), dirty vegetables and fruit and other reasons lead to disturbances of bacterial balance in intestines. And as a result - a gastric disturbance which is called dysbacteriosis now. If dysbacteriosis is not treated, it can accept a long current and "is safe" enter adulthood.
Adulthood also has a set of the reasons for dysbacteriosis. Here treatment by antibiotics is in the lead, low-quality products, toxic substances (from alcohol to production vrednost), again stresses, dysfunctions of immune system, food and predisposition are from the childhood. And, strangely enough, qualitative food stuffs — they can also become the dysbacteriosis reason.
It is necessary to tell about products separately — about fresh vegetables and fruit, meat and even to harmless, apparently, sour cream. Probably, this information has to depress the reader — even simple products can cause dysbacteriosis. Industrial farming practices and productions of foodstuff guarantee presence practically at all products of foreign substances (herbicides and nitrates, antibiotics and growth factors, preservatives and stabilizers — whether need to be continued?). And even if each product bought in shop corresponds to state standard specifications or hygienic standards, influence of these substances is summed up.
Types of dysbacteriosis:
Dysbacteriosis of a small bowel.
At dysbacteriosis of a small bowel the number of one microbes in a mucous membrane of a small bowel is increased, and others is reduced. Increase in Eubacterium (by 30 times), streptococci (by 25 times), enterococci (by 10 times), Candide (by 15 times), emergence of bacteria of the sort Acinetobacter and viruses of herpes is noted. From 2 to 30 times amount of the majority of anaerobe bacterias, actinomycetes, клебсиелл and other microorganisms, being natural inhabitants of intestines decrease.
Dysbacteriosis of a large intestine.
The players of microflora of a large intestine can be changed under the influence of various factors and adverse effects weakening protective mechanisms of an organism (extreme klimatogeografichesky conditions, pollution of the biosphere by industrial wastes and various chemicals, infectious diseases, diseases of digestive organs, defective food, the ionizing radiation).
In development of dysbacteriosis of a large intestine the large role is played by iatrogenic factors: use of antibiotics and streptocides, immunodepressants, steroid hormones, roentgenotherapy, surgical interventions. Antibacterial drugs considerably suppress not only pathogenic microbic flora, but also growth of normal microflora in a large intestine. As a result the microbes which got from the outside or the endogenous types steady against medicines breed (staphylococcus, proteas, barmy mushrooms, enterococci, a pyocyanic stick).
Dysbacteriosis symptoms:
1. Symptoms from digestive tract.
• Decrease or lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting, metal smack in a mouth
• Eructation, meteorism, rumbling, abdominal distention
• An abdominal pain (stupid, aching or skhvatkoobrazny)
• Feeling of an incomplete opozhneniye of intestines, imperative desires on defecation
• Lock, diarrhea, alternation of a lock and diarrhea
• Fecal masses: in the form of a probkoobrazny chair (kashitseobrazny or liquid kcal with its firm first portion, sometimes with slime impurity; sheep kcal (at a lock) with slime impurity, a putrefactive or acid smell of fecal masses
2. Hypovitaminosis: perleches, xeroderma and mucous.
3. Allergic syndrome: itch of skin and mucous, allergic enanthesis.
4. General symptoms: fatigue, weakness, headaches, sleep disorder.
In some cases at the expressed disturbances in intestinal microflora there are no clinical manifestations and vice versa - the expressed clinical manifestations are followed by minor changes in microflora.
Treatment of dysbacteriosis:
Treatment of dysbacteriosis has to be complex (scheme) and include the following events:
- elimination of excess bacterial contamination of a small bowel;
- recovery of normal microbic flora of a large intestine;
- improvement of intestinal digestion and absorption;
- recovery of the broken motility of intestines;
- stimulation of reactivity of an organism.
Antibacterial drugs
Antibacterial drugs are necessary first of all for suppression of excess growth of microbic flora in a small bowel. Antibiotics from group of tetracyclines, penicillin, cephalosporins, hinolona (таривид, nitroxoline) and metronidazole are most widely applied. However antibiotics of a broad spectrum of activity substantially break microflora in a large intestine.
Bacterial drugs
Live cultures of normal microbic flora survive in intestines of the person from 1 to 10% of the general dose and are capable to perform to some extent physiological function of normal microbic flora. It is possible to appoint bacterial drugs without preliminary antibacterial therapy or after it. Apply bifidumbacterium, бификол, лактобактерин, baktisubtit, линекс, Enterolum, etc. The course of treatment lasts 1-2 months.
One more way of elimination of dysbacteriosis — impact on pathogenic microbic flora products of metabolism of normal microorganisms is possible. Treats such drugs хилак forte. It is created 50 years ago and so far is applied to treatment of patients with intestines pathology. Hilak forte represents a sterile concentrate of metabolic products of normal intestinal microflora: lactic acid, lactose, amino acids and fatty acids. These substances promote recovery in intestines of the biological environment necessary for existence of normal microflora, and suppress growth pathogenic бактерийХилак forte appoint till 40-60 drops 3 times a day for a period of up to 4 weeks in combination with drugs of antibacterial action or after their use.