Laktovit forte capsules

Producer: Mili Healthcare Ltd (Mili Helskere Ltd) Great Britain
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A07F A51
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Capsules.
General characteristics. Structure:
1 capsule contains 120000000 dispute of lactobacilli, folic acid 0,0015g, cyanocobalamine of 15 mkg.
In addition:
It is not recommended to wash down Laktovit with hot drinks. At treatment of the children who did not reach two-year age, contents of the capsule are recommended to be dissolved in milk.
Pharmacological properties:
Laktovit Forte is a probiotic. As a part of drug there are lactobacilli (Lactobacillus sporogenes and Bacillus coagulans) and vitamins. Lactobacilli are representatives of the obligate microflora inhabiting intestines of the person. Their antagonism in relation to opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms is caused by the competition for receptors on cells of an intestinal epithelium, and also ability to cosecrete the substances (mainly, lactic acid) inhibiting growth of representatives of pathogenic microflora. Lactobacilli positively influence immune system of the person, promoting antibody formation and activating phagocytal function of leukocytes.
In addition to lactobacilli, two vitamins are Laktovit Forte's part.
Folic acid participates in processes of biosynthesis of amino acids, nucleic acids, pyrimidines and purines. It is necessary for eritro-and a leukopoiesis, protection of an embryo and a fruit against influence of the factors having teratogenic effect.
Cyanocobalamine activates fatty, protein and carbohydrate metabolism, participates in biosynthesis of nucleic acids, positively influences work of a liver and a nervous system, stimulates an erythrogenesis.
Indications to use:
- Chronic colitis;
- ulcer colitis (nonspecific);
- dysbacteriosis (after antimicrobic therapy, intestinal infections or owing to other reasons);
- prenatal preparation at pregnant women in case of disturbance of purity of a secret of a vagina to the third or fourth degree;
- inflammatory diseases of genitalias of a nonspecific etiology;
- complex therapy at atopic dermatitis, a small tortoiseshell, eczema, diathesis at children.
Route of administration and doses:
Irrespective of age, Laktovit is Forte appointed in 40 minutes prior to the use of food twice a day.
The daily dose is equal to 1 capsule for the children who did not reach two-year age, to 2 capsules – up to 14 years, to 2-4 capsules – for adults.
Therapy Lactotwisted continues 3-4 weeks at dysbacteriosis, 6-8 weeks at ulcer colitis, in the recovery period after intestinal infections of 4-6 weeks.
In case of incomplete normalization of structure of intestinal microflora purpose of drug in a maintenance dose (a half of a medical dose) for the term of 1,5-2 months is possible.
Side effects:
Side effects are not registered.
Interaction with other medicines:
The bacteria which are Laktovit's part are steady against influence of antibiotics.
Folic acid shows antagonism in relation to Sulfasalazinum, Phenytoinum, PASK, oral contraceptives, a pyrimidine.
Hypersensitivity to cyanocobalamine, lactose and folic acid.
Pregnancy. Drug is safe in the recommended dosage.
Storage conditions:
Temperature is from 15 to 25 degrees Celsius, protection against light.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Capsules No. 30.