Нормобакт L

Producer: JSC Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant AKRIKHIN Russia
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Powder for oral solution.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 4x10 9, WHICH the lyophilized lactobacilli of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG.
Excipients: maltodextrin, fruktooligosakharida, silicon dioxide (Е 551).
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Нормобакт L is a combination of probiotics (live lactobacilli of LactobacillusrhamnosusGG) and prebiotics (fruktooligosakharida) which prolongs the period of life of "useful" bacteria and considerably increases their quantity in intestines; recovers immune stability of an organism.
Indications to use:
Нормобакт it is recommended to L as dietary supplement to food as a source of pro-biotic microorganisms for completion of a bacterial flora of a digestive tract and preservation of its normal structure. It is recommended to apply at diarrhea, an intestines disbioza, in time and after a course of treatment antibiotics, and also at food allergy, at long prevention of atopic dermatitis at children of the youngest age.
Нормобакт L are also recommended to be applied during the trips connected with change of climatic zones.
Route of administration and doses:
Babies of 1 month and children up to 3 years – on 1 sachet a day during food.
For children 3 years are younger sachet contents before use need to be dissolved in liquid, not less than 100 ml; for the children who are on breastfeeding, sachet contents before use need to be dissolved in the decanted breast milk.
Children are more senior than 3 years and adults – on 1-2 sachets a day during food.
Sachet contents before use need to be dissolved in water, yogurt or milk.
Duration of use averages 10-14 days. During the period and after the termination of a course of treatment antibiotics duration of use of Normobakt L can make 2-3 weeks. At prevention of atopic dermatitis at children of the youngest age longer reception of Normobakt L, according to the recommendation of the doctor can be required.
Нормобакт L accept at once after dissolution in liquid. Not to exceed the recommended daily dose.
Features of use:
Dietary supplement is not intended for parenteral use.
Not to apply as the main source of food.
Нормобакт L does not contain proteins of cow's milk, lactose, gluten and sucrose therefore it can be applied at the persons suffering from intolerance of these substances.
Before use it is necessary to consult with the doctor.
Dietary supplement to food. Is not medicine.
Individual intolerance of the dietary supplements components.
Storage conditions:
To store in the dry, protected from light place at a temperature not above 25 °C. To store in the place, unavailable to children. A period of validity - 2 years. Not to use after the expiry date specified on packaging.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
On 3 g of powder in a sachet. On 10 sachets in a cardboard pack together with a leaf insert.