Producer: CIAO Biofarm Ukraine
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A07F A50
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Porous weight for suspension preparation.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredients – one dose of drug contains not less than 1 · 109 living microbic cells of Bacillus subtilis of UKM V-5020;
excipients – sucrose, gelatin, sodium chloride.
Main properties of a dosage form: Субалин® dry represents the microbic mass of active culture of Bacillus subtilis of UKM V live antagonistic – 5020, lyophilized with addition sucrose - gelatin medium. Porous weight from white till dark gray color, a specific smell, sweetish taste.
Pharmacological properties:
Medical effect of drug is defined by the live bacteria having high antagonistic activity in relation to pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms and contribute to normalization of qualitative and quantitative structure of intestinal microflora, and also are characterized by anti-virus activity owing to synthesis α-2 interferon.
Inclusion of Subalina® in complex treatment of children with a chronic viral hepatitis, disbiozy intestines, a syndrome of endointoxication allows to stop clinical symptomatology: astheno - a vegetative syndrome and a syndrome of chronic intoxication; to reduce manifestations of dispeptic and painful syndromes. Drug promotes more bystry positive dynamics of biochemical indicators in blood serum of sick children: increase in content of crude protein, to decrease in a thymol turbidity test, reduction of maintenance of molecules of average weight (MCM) that lowers the level of endogenous intoxication of an organism, and also promotes completely recovery of quantitative level of indigenny intestinal microflora (bifidumbakteriya, lactobacilli, colibacillus) and elimination from intestines of pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms – stafilokokk, enterobakteriya, drozhzhepodobny mushrooms of the Candida family.
Indications to use:
Субалин® appoint in complex treatment of adults:
- patients with viral acute hepatitises And yes In;
- patients with viral chronic hepatitis B;
- HBsAg carriers;
- patients with bacterial and virus and bacterial meningoentsefa-litas;
- the patients with the acute intestinal infections (AII) (easy forms and diseases of average degree, and also severe forms at patients with contraindications to an antibioticotherapia) called by pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms (Salmonella spp., Shigella spp., enteropathogenic E. coli, Proteus spp., Staphylococcus spp., Candida spp.), including resistant to antibiotics;
- the patients who transferred OKA in case of allocation of pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms, and also at intestines dysfunction.
Субалин® appoint in complex treatment of children:
- patients with a chronic viral hepatitis In and With with disbiozy intestines, an endointoxication syndrome.
Route of administration and doses:
Way of dissolution. In a glass or other convenient capacity pour the necessary number of teaspoons of water (from calculation one teaspoon on 1 dose). A small amount of this water dissolve drug in a bottle. Drug has to be dissolved for 1-2 minutes with formation of homogeneous suspension. Contents of a bottle are transferred to a glass, mixed. The received suspension is applied orally in 30-40 minutes before food. Divorced drug is not subject to storage.
The adult drug is appointed in such doses:
- for treatment of an acute hepatitis And - on 2 doses 2 times a day within 10 days;
- for treatment of an acute hepatitis In - on 2 doses 3 times a day within 10 days;
- for treatment of chronic active hepatitis B in an aggravation stage - on 2 doses 3 times a day within 14 days;
- to HBsAg carriers - on 2 doses 3 times a day within 5 days two courses at an interval of 10 days;
- for treatment of bacterial and virus and bacterial meningoentse-falit - on 1 dose 3 times a day for 10 days;
- at treatment of OKA - on 2 doses 3 times a day within 5-7 days.
To children drug is appointed in such doses:
- for treatment of a disbioz of intestines, endointoxication at chronic hepatitis B and C – on 1 dose 2 times a day for 20 days.
Features of use:
Inclusion of Subalina® in complex treatment of children with a chronic viral hepatitis, disbiozy intestines, a syndrome of endointoxication allows to stop clinical symptomatology: astheno - a vegetative syndrome and a syndrome of chronic intoxication; to reduce manifestations of dispeptic and painful syndromes. Drug promotes more bystry positive dynamics of biochemical indicators in blood serum of sick children: increase in content of crude protein, to decrease in a thymol turbidity test, reduction of maintenance of molecules of average weight (MCM) that lowers the level of endogenous intoxication of an organism, and also promotes completely recovery of quantitative level of indigenny intestinal microflora (bifidumbakteriya, lactobacilli, colibacillus) and elimination from intestines of pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms – stafilokokk, enterobakteriya, drozhzhepodobny mushrooms of the Candida family.
Drug is not subject to use with the broken integrity of packaging, also after the termination of a period of validity.
Side effects:
It was not observed.
Interaction with other medicines:
Let's combine with other medicines.
Are not established.
Data on overdose of drug are not established.
Storage conditions:
Drug is stored in the dry, protected from light place at a temperature from 15 °C to 25 °C.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
On 1 dose (1 · 109 living microbic cells), 2 doses (2·109 live microbic cells) or 10 doses (10·109 living microbic cells) in bottles No. 10 in a cardboard pack.