
Producer: RUP of Belmedpreparata Republic of Belarus
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A07FA01
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Powder for oral administration.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: one dose of drug contains the lyophilized mass of Lactobacillus acidophilus 95/25 living cells not less than 108, the lyophilized mass of Bacillus subtilis S living cells not less than 107.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Lactobacillin represents the combined drug relating to group of eubiotok – the biogenic drugs representing the lyophilized mass of the live microorganisms which are usually living in intestines of the person. They are appointed at intestinal dysfunctions for prevention and treatment of dysbacteriosis which results from preferential reproduction of pathogenic microflora against the background of oppression of immunity and weakening of nonspecific factors of protection of a macroorganism. Prolonged use of the antibiotics of a broad spectrum of activity suppressing development of normal intestinal microflora and glucocorticosteroids, and also influence of the ionizing radiation breaking immunobiological reactivity of an organism is the most frequent reason of dysbacteriosis.
The essence of purpose of eubiotik at dysbacteriosis consists that at hit in intestines the lyophilized bacteria come to life, quickly breed and create in it a normal biocenosis by competitive suppression of growth of pathogenic microflora. Drug has high antagonistic activity in relation to pathogenic and opportunistic microflora (staphylococcus, to pseudo-monads, klebsiyella, salmonellas, shigellas, a protea, enteropathogenic colibacillus), high replaceable effect, the stimulating properties expressed interferon and, thereby, normalizes activity of digestive tract, improves exchange processes, increases nonspecific resistance of an organism. Drug belongs to natural environmentally friendly factors of protection.
It is shown that it also has ability to activate products of interferon and to normalize nonspecific resistance of an organism.
Indications to use:
Lactobacillin is shown for use for adults. It is used for treatment of patients with dysbacteriosis, at chronic enterita and colitis, and also at the patients who had acute intestinal infections. Lactobacillin is applied also at treatment of patients with long intestinal dysfunctions of an unspecified etiology. For prevention of dysbacteriosis drug appoint later long antibiotiko-, himio-and radiation therapy.
Route of administration and doses:
Lactobacillin is intended for intake. Before use bottles open, and dissolve their contents in boiled water of room temperature at the rate of 1 tablespoon of water on one bottle.
Drug is dissolved within 5 minutes with formation of a homogeneous suspension of cream color with a sour-milk smell. Then contents are transferred to glass with water (milk), mixed and drunk. Lactobacillin should be applied in 30 minutes prior to food or between meals. Adults are recommended to accept till 5-10 drug doses 3 times a day. At appointment a day less than 15 doses of lactobacillin efficiency of treatment considerably decreases
Duration of a course of treatment drug - from 7-10 days to 1,5 months.
Side effects:
At lactobacillin use side reactions are not revealed.
Interaction with other medicines:
Lactobacillin can be applied together with other medicines. At treatment by drug it is necessary to avoid the use of the foodstuff having phytoncidal activity (garlic, onions). The used strain producer 95/25 резистентен to influence of Oxacillinum and chloramphenicol, is poorly sensitive to a tsefaklor, norfloxacin, colistin and polymyxin.
Drug use lactobacillin is contraindicated to patients with the increased individual sensitivity to any of drug components (a lactobacillus, a bacillus), to dairy products. Other contraindications to drug use lactobacillin it is not established. Now there are no adequate clinical data on safety of use of drug for children, and also during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
The powder lyophilized for preparation of suspension for intake of 5 doses in bottles in packaging No. 6, No. 40.