Forte® bifidumbacterium

Producer: CJSC Partner Russia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A07FA
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Capsules.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: not less than 50 million colony-forming units (5х107, WHICH) bifidobacteria occluded on particles of absorbent carbon.
Excipients: lactose.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Effect of drug is caused by bifidobacteria, being antagonists of a wide range pathogenic (shigellas, salmonellas, golden staphylococcus, etc.) and conditionally pathogenic (proteas, a klebsiyell, etc.) microorganisms.
The bifidobacteria occluded on specially prepared carrier provide the increased clinical performance, bystry recovery of normal microflora. Microflora, being a natural biosorbent, accumulates the toxic substances getting from the outside or formed in an organism in a significant amount and decomposes them to nontoxic components.
Sorbed bifidobacteria, forming microcolonies, strenuously activate recovery and metabolic processes, pristenochny digestion, synthesis of vitamins and amino acids, a host defense of an organism.
Indications to use:
Drug is appointed to children from 3 years, the adult of all age groups. Treatment:
• intestinal dysbioses;
• acute intestinal infections established (a shigellosis, a salmonellosis, a staphylococcal coloenteritis, a rotavirusny infection) and an unspecified etiology;
• food toxicoinfections;
• acute respiratory viral infections;
• the chronic diseases with a gastrointestinal tract disease (a peptic ulcer of a stomach and duodenum, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, diseases of a liver and biliary tract) which are followed by intestinal dysbioses;
• chronic locks;
• sprue;
• the allergic diseases which are followed by an intestinal dysbiosis;
• the pneumonia, acute and chronic bronchitis, inflammatory diseases of an urogenital path which are followed by an intestinal dysbiosis;
• the intestinal dysbioses caused by reception of antibiotics, antibacterial drugs, hormones, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
• diarrheas at patients, it is long treated antibiotics and other antibacterial drugs;
• correction of a microbiocenosis of intestines and prevention of pyoinflammatory diseases at patients of a surgical profile during preoperative preparation and after intestines, liver, pancreas operations.
• intra hospital infections in maternity homes and hospitals;
• dysbacterioses at often ill SARS of children and adults.
Route of administration and doses:
форте® capsules accept bifidumbacterium during meal, if necessary irrespective of meal, washing down with water or fermented milk product.
To children, if necessary, capsules open, mix contents of the capsule with liquid food, it is desirable fermented milk product. It is possible to mix capsule contents from 20–50 ml of boiled water of room temperature, at the same time the muddy suspension with parts of a sorbent of black color is formed. The received water suspension should be drunk, without trying to obtain full dissolution.
Depending on weight of diseases drug is used in the usual or increased doses.
Drug with the medical purposes in usual doses is used:
• to children from 3 years is also more senior – on 1 capsule 3–4 times a day;
• the adult on 2 capsules 2–3 times a day.
The course of treatment at acute intestinal infections and food toxicoinfections makes 5–7 days, at other diseases – 15–21 days (is defined by character and disease severity). If necessary it is possible to repeat courses of treatment 2–3 times, each course is conducted in a month after the termination of the previous course of treatment.
Patients with surgical pathology use drug within 3–5 days before operation and within 10–15 days after операции:детям from 3 years and 3–4 times a day are more senior on 1 capsule;
• the adult on 2 capsules 3 times a day.
форте® capsules with the medical purposes in the increased doses apply bifidumbacterium to children from 3 years and the adult. Children of the capsule are recommended to open, mixing contents of capsules from 50 ml of boiled water of room temperature.
At acute intestinal infection and an acute respiratory viral infection apply from first days of a disease:
• to children on 3–5 capsules each 2 hours to 6 times a day;
• the adult on 10 capsules 3 times a day.
Course of treatment 1–3 days depending on weight of a state.
At chronic diseases of digestive tract apply:
• to children on 5 capsules 1–3 times a day, a course of 10-14 days;
• the adult on 10 capsules 1–3 times a day, a course of 10-14 days.
With the preventive purposes drug is used on 1–2 capsules by 1–2 times a day. For prevention of dysbacterioses at often ill SARS of children and adults drug is used by 10–15 days 2–3 times a year. For prevention of intra hospital infections in maternity homes and hospitals drug is used by 5–10 days.
Features of use:
Drug is allowed for use to women during pregnancy and feeding by a breast.
Side effects:
Are not revealed.
Interaction with other medicines:
At a concomitant use of drug with vitamins (especially groups B) effect of drug amplifies. At reception with antibiotics decrease in a therapeutic effectiveness of drug is possible.
Are not established, except individual intolerance of components of drug.
Storage conditions:
Period of validity – 1 year. Storage and transportation make at a temperature from 2 to 10 °C. Transportation of drug is allowed at a temperature not above 20 °C no more than 10 days. Bifidumbacterium форте® capsules should be stored in the places not available to children.
Drug is unsuitable for use:
- at disturbance of integrity of individual packaging;
- with indistinct marking;
- expired.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Drug is produced on 5 doses in capsules. 10, 18 or 30 capsules are packed into bottles or into plastic banks with the screw-on or plug cover. A bottle or bank are located together with the Application instruction in a pack from a cardboard.