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The colpitis is the inflammatory process in a mucous membrane of a vagina arising owing to disturbance of microflora of a vagina.
It is one of the most widespread diseases of a female genital which is most often suffered by women of reproductive age.
If the woman is healthy, then flora of a vagina consists generally of vulval sticks of Doderleyn which produce the lactic acid having pernicious effect on various microbes. Considering that natural flora of a vagina interferes with hit and development of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microbes thanks to acid reaction of vulval contents, the contributing factors are necessary for development of a colpitis:
  1. infections, sexually transmitted
  2. other infectious diseases
  3. mechanical injuries of a mucous membrane of a vagina
  4. disturbance of food of a mucous membrane
  5. disturbance of anatomic features of a vagina
  6. diseases of endocrine system
  7. long reception of antibiotics
  8. allergic reactions (on condom, candles, ointments etc.)
  9. non-compliance with rules of personal hygiene
If an inflammation of a mucous membrane of a vagina not to treat, then inflammatory process can pass also to the canal of a neck of uterus, a uterus, appendages etc. that in turn leads to an endometritis, an erosion of a neck of uterus and infertility.

Colpitis symptoms:

On a current the colpitis happens acute and chronic.
The acute vaginitis (colpitis) is shown by morbidity, an itch or burning in a vagina, emergence of allocations of mucous or purulent character, a specific smell from a vagina. At a chronic vaginitis (colpitis) the similar picture can be observed for many months and years, periodically becoming aggravated after provocative factors: alcohol intake, the postponed viral and bacterial infections, against the background of overcoolings, food provocations, periods, during the course of pregnancy.

Colpitis reasons:

For a cause of illness (an etiological factor) of a vaginita it is accepted to divide on specific and nonspecific.
Specific vaginita are caused by sexually transmitted infections, such as:
    * гонококк;
    * trichomonad;
    * chlamydia;
    * mycoplasmas;
    * ureaplasma.
Nonspecific vaginita are caused by conditional causative organisms, most often, such as:
    * gardnerella (bacterial vaginosis, bacterial vaginosis);
    * sort mushrooms Candida (candidiasis, milkwoman);
    * colibacillus;
    * enterococci;
    * staphylococcus;
    * streptococci;
    * proteas;
    * pyocyanic stick and others.

Treatment of the Colpitis:

Treatment of a colpitis is directed to elimination of the contributing factors for development of a disease, treatment of associated diseases taking into account clinical manifestations.
Treatment of a colpitis includes:
*  antibacterial therapy (ftorkhinolona or the combined drugs)
*  physical therapy
*  drugs for the systemic strengthening effect
*  observance of a special diet (exception of excess of fats and carbohydrates)
For topical treatment are appointed:
*  sedentary trays and syringings of a vagina
*  antimicrobic vulval tablets (Meratin Kombi, etc.)
*  ointment applications, candles and ointments (Metronidazole, Geksikon, etc.)
*  local hormonal therapy (according to indications)
Antibacterial therapy is appointed only after definition of sensitivity of the activator to antibiotics. Many drugs have contraindications at pregnancy and a lactation. Such popular means as Betadin (it is contraindicated, since 3rd month of pregnancy), Nolitsin, Dalatsin, Klindatsin cream, etc. concern to them. At the same time Meratin Kombi, Pimafutsin, Terzhinan, Vagotil and many other antiseptic agents have no direct contraindications for pregnant. However the combined drugs often contain components categorically contraindicated at pregnancy (for example, Miconazolum nitrate (Miconazolum) in Neotrizole). You should not abuse syringings by a camomile as it can negatively affect natural microflora mucous vaginas.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Colpitis:

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