Gonorrheal vulvovaginitis
- Description
- Symptoms of the Gonorrheal vulvovaginitis
- Reasons of the Gonorrheal vulvovaginitis
- Treatment of the Gonorrheal vulvovaginitis
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The gonorrheal vulvovaginitis is highly contagious disease which can affect also children and women after approach of a menopause.
Symptoms of the Gonorrheal vulvovaginitis:
Primary center can be located in a vulva, a vagina and a vulval part of a neck of uterus. Эндоцервикс at girls more young 10 years are surprised less often in connection with its underdevelopment.
At moderately expressed disease the vulva, the mouth of an urethra and a vagina are hyperemic and covered with a thick layer of yellow, creamy allocations. In sharply expressed cases puffiness of fabrics, pains and an itch are observed. Combing can lead to an aggravation and accession of consecutive infection. If the gonorrheal vulvovaginitis gets a chronic current, it is usually limited to defeat of walls of a vagina, but at the same time synechias can be formed. System manifestations (arthritises and conjunctivitis) are not characteristic. Peritonitises of the gonococcal nature happen seldom as a genital tract at girls to menarche is closed.
Reasons of the Gonorrheal vulvovaginitis:
Though quite created vagina with its many layers of epithelial cells and lack of glands is rather protected from an invasion of gonokokk, the thin mucous membrane which is observed at some women with reduced oestrogenic stimulation does them more susceptible to this infection.

Gonorrheal diplococcus - the etiological agent of a gonorrheal vulvovaginitis
Treatment of the Gonorrheal vulvovaginitis:
Treatment of a gonorrheal vulvovaginitis provides use of local hygienic actions. Because the disease has obviously infectious character, it is necessary to avoid contacts with other children before the end of treatment. Specific treatment consists in intramuscular introduction of antibiotics.