Under the term ekzotservitsit understand an inflammation of a vulval part of a neck of uterus.
Due to the tendency to increase in frequency of inflammatory diseases of female generative organs infectious processes in a neck of uterus meet quite often. Ekzo and an endocervicitis reveal at 70% of the women addressing to polyclinic departments.
Ekzotservitsit's symptoms:
Acute ekzotservitsit: patients show complaints to mucopurulent allocations from a vagina, sometimes nagging pains in lower parts of a stomach and a waist.
At survey of a neck of uterus by means of mirrors and a kolposkopiya it is found: a hyperemia around an outside opening of the cervical channel (insignificant protrusion of hyperemic, edematous mucous), plentiful mucopurulent or purulent discharges, an erozirovanny surface.
Chronic ekzotservitsit results from an undetected or not treated acute ekzotservitsit. It is characterized by transition of inflammatory reaction to the subject connective tissue and muscular elements. On a vulval part of a neck of uterus the pseudo-erosion is formed. It is promoted by pathological allocations from the cervical channel (maceration and rejection of an epithelium, secondary infection). There are infiltrates with the subsequent development of hyperplastic and dystrophic changes. The neck is condensed and hypertrophies that is promoted by the cysts which are formed as a result of healing of pseudo-erosion.
Gonorrheal ekzotservitsit develops in a mucous membrane of the channel of a neck of uterus, striking a cylindrical epithelium of an endotserviks and glands of a mucous membrane. At damage and desquamation of epithelial cells of a gonokokka get into a subepithelial layer and a stroma of a mucous membrane where infiltrates which consist of neutrophils, lympho-and plasmocytes are formed.
Inflammatory reaction (hyperemia, exudation, puffiness) is sharply expressed. Multiple periglandulyarny infiltrates and microabscesses can be formed.
Ekzotservitsit's reasons:
Nonspecific ekzotservitsita are caused by action of uslovnopatogenny microorganisms (Е. coli, streptococci, staphylococcus, epidermal staphylococcus, bacteroids, korinebakteriya, etc.). At healthy women anaerobic microflora prevails over aerobic in the ratio 10:1. Normal bacterial microflora interferes with the invasion of pathogenic microorganisms leading to emergence of inflammatory process in a vagina and a neck of uterus. Ekzo and an endocervicitis STD can be caused (chlamydias, Miko and ureaplasmas, trichomonads, etc.). At some age changes deficit of estrogen leads to development of an atrophic colpitis and nonspecific cervicitis.
Ekzotservitsit's treatment:
Includes use of antibacterial, antimecotic, antifungal, antichlamidia and other drugs.
I. At the first stage causal treatment is carried out.
At a candidosis ekzotservitsit and a vaginitis use drug флуконазол in a dose of 150 mg inside (a class of triazolny connections with specific impact on synthesis of sterol of mushrooms).
Intravaginalno is applied эконазол (from group of imidazoles) on 1 candle for the night, within 3–4 days, or изоконазол on 1 candle in a vagina.
Natamitsin (antifungal half-yen antibiotic of group of macroleads); appoint on 1 tablet 4 times a day in a combination to candles — in a vagina to night.
At a Chlamidia cervicitis along with antibiotics of a tetracycline row (tetracycline, doxycycline, metacycline), macroleads (джозамицин), hinolam (ofloxacin) use drug azithromycin. It is combined with topical treatment: processing of a neck of uterus solutions of a hlorofillipt © or dimethyl sulfoxide.
At atrophic tservitsita and vaginita locally use the drug containing natural women's hormone — estriol.
At a nonspecific cervicitis use the local combined drugs: тержинан © which part are тернидазолà (influences anaerobic flora), nystatin (suppresses growth of barmy mushrooms), Neomycinum (action is directed to gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria), Prednisolonum in an acute stage (quickly stops pain, an itch), etc.
II. At the second stage the treatment purpose — recovery of a normal microbiocenosis of a vagina. Use eubiotik: ацилакт© stimulates growth of own lactoflora of a vagina, promotes decrease in frequency of a recurrence; appoint on 1 candle in a vagina within 10 days.