Mecotic vulvaginit
- Description
- Symptoms of the Mecotic vulvaginit
- Reasons of the Mecotic vulvaginit
- Treatment of the Mecotic vulvaginit
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Mecotic vulvovaginitis at girls shares on fresh (acute, subacute and torpid) — prescription of an infection up to 2 months, and chronic — over 2 months.
Symptoms of the Mecotic vulvaginit:
The Kliyonichesky picture of an acute vulvovaginitis at девочек and women is characterized by a dysuria, an itch, pains in generative organs, foamy vydeleyoniya of gray-yellow color with an unpleasant smell. It is observed vulvovestibulovaginit with a diffuzyony hyperemia of a mucous membrane of a vagina and hypostasis of external genitals. At a vaginoskopiya in a back vault of the vagina liquid foamy allocations are visible, on a hyperemic sliziyosty cover the hypertrophied nipples deprived of an epithelium, reminding raspberry by outward tower; such changes for девочек are less characteristic, than for girls. Involvement in process of a neck of uterus and the mocheispuskayotelny channel is possible. At a subacute vulvovaginitis only the itch of outside sexual orgayon is noted; the mucous membrane is less hyperemic, allocations in smaller quantity, whitish желтые, is rare with blood impurity. The sharp hyperemia of a vagina, the phenomenon of a makulezny, granulosa and erosive vaginitis can be observed. At a chronic vulvovaginitis out of an aggravation process proceeds torpidno with a moderate hyperemia of sliyozisty covers of small vulvar lips and vaginas, with liquid yellow, quite often foamy allocations. The defeat ochagovost is defined. Chasyoto trichomoniasis at children and adults proceeds besyosimptomno. Vulval trichomonads cause in girls only a vulvovaginitis. At women, in addition to a colpitis, – an urethritis, a bartholinitis, an endocervicitis. The diagnosis is confirmed bakterioskopichesk (a native method, and also when coloring on Gram or Romanovsky-Gimza's metoyoda), bakterioloyogichesk, immunological with use of monoclones, by means of polimerazny reaction, and also serological.
Reasons of the Mecotic vulvaginit:
Occurs at children dosyotatochno seldom as trichomonads are given, as a rule, sexually. Newborn deyovochka can catch when passing patrimonial ways of sick mother, and at chest age and a staryosha – if sleep together with mother or through use predyometa (towels, clothes, etc.). The Inkubayotsionny period makes from 3 to 15 days.

Trichomonad - the etiological agent of a mecotic vulvovaginitis
Treatment of the Mecotic vulvaginit:
Treatment is identical to treatment at trichomoniasis. Criteria of an izlechennost define in 2 and 14 days after a leyocheniye. Had strike off the register at an otsutyostviye of trichomonads in smears and inflammatory yavyoleniye in urinogenital bodies.