DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Venereology Trichomoniasis



Trichomoniasis - the infectious disease caused by a vulval trichomonad. Among the women leading active sex life, incidence of trichomoniasis reaches 60 - 70%.

Trichomoniasis reasons:

The causative agent of trichomoniasis of generative organs and urinary tract is the vulval trichomonad.

Трихомонада - возбудитель трихомониаза

Trichomonad - the causative agent of trichomoniasis

Trichomoniasis symptoms:

The incubation interval lasts from 3 - 5 to 20 - 30 days. The main the site of parasitizing of trichomonads is a mucous membrane of a vagina, is more rare - an urethra, a bladder, output channels of big pristenochny glands, an entrance of the vagina, a mucous membrane of the channel of a neck of uterus, uterus appendages.
Patients complain of emergence of plentiful foamy the itch and burning in external genitals and a vagina are more white than gray-yellow color with an unpleasant smell. Objectively: a hyperemia, maceration, raschesa on skin of a vulva, a crotch, small and big shameful lips, existence of an erosion on a neck of uterus, reddening and hypostasis of a mucous membrane of a vagina, foamy purulent bleach.
In a subacute stage clinical displays of a disease are insignificant or are absent, observe not sharply expressed hyperemia of a mucous membrane of a vagina and a small amount of allocations. At a chronic trikhomoniazny colpitis inflammatory changes from a vagina and a neck of uterus are a little expressed.
Diagnosis is based on clinical displays of a disease and results of a bakterioskopichesky research of smears from a vagina on presence of trichomonads. As an auxiliary method use luminescent microscopy.

Характер влагалищных выделений при трихомониазе

The nature of vulval allocations at trichomoniasis

Treatment of Trichomoniasis:

Carry out simultaneous treatment of sexual partners in epidemiological indications. System anti-protozoan treatment: metronidazole on 500 mg orally twice a day within 5 - 7 days (drug of the first choice). Topical treatment: metronidazole on 500 mg (1 vaginal candle) within 7 - 10 days, immunomodulators (appoint after the research of the immune status), солкотриховак To (vaccination) on 0,5 ml in 2 weeks 3 injections. Recovery of a normal biocenosis of a vagina the drugs containing L. acidophilus, L. bifidus, L. bulgaricus, S. thermophilus. To pregnant women (the II-III trimester) and in the period of a lactation appoint drugs only of local action in low doses.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Trichomoniasis:

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