
Producer: JSC VEROPHARM Russia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: J01XD03
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active agent: орнидазол 500 mg. Excipients: starch corn, cellulose microcrystallic, polyvinylpirrolidone (povidone), sodium carboxymethylstarch (примогель), magnesium stearate cover: oksipropilmetiltsellyuloza, polyvinylpirrolidone (povidone), twin-80 (polysorbate), talc, titanium dioxide.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Ornidazol is active concerning trichomonads, lyambliya, a dysenteric amoeba, some anaerobic microorganisms (Bacteroides spp., Fusobacter spp., Clostridium spp., and anaerobic cocci).
Pharmacokinetics. Absorption from digestive tract — high. Bioavailability — 90%. Time of achievement of the maximum concentration (Tcmax) — 1–2 h. Communication with proteins of plasma — not less than 15%. Gets through a blood-brain barrier. An elimination half-life (T1/2) — about 13 h. It is removed in the form of metabolites by kidneys (60–65%) and with a fecal masses (20–22%), about 5% of a dose are removed in not changed look.
Indications to use:
Trichomoniasis, amebiasis, amoebic dysentery, abenteric amebiasis (in t. h amoebic abscess of a liver); lambliasis; prevention of the postoperative infectious complications caused by anaerobic bacteria at surgical intervention on a large intestine and gynecologic operations.
Route of administration and doses:
Inside, after food. At trichomoniasis: adult — 0,5 g 2 times a day within 5 days. To children — in a single dose, at the rate of 25 mg/kg of body weight a day. At amoebic dysentery to adults and children with body weight over 35 kg — 1,5 g 1 times/days, at body weight over 60 kg — 2 g/days. To children with body weight less than 35 kg — 40 mg/kg/days. Treatment duration — 3 days. For treatment of other forms of an amebiasis: to adults and children weighing more than 35 kg — on 0,5 g in 2 times a day, weighing up to 35 kg — 25 mg/kg once within 5–10 days. At a lambliasis: to adults and children with body weight over 35 kg — inside, on 1,5 g of 1 times a day; to children with body weight to 35 kg — on 40 mg/kg/days. Treatment duration — 1–2 days. Prevention of the postoperative infectious complications caused by anaerobic bacteria — 0,5 g before operation, then each 12 hours on 0,5 g, within 3–5 days.
Features of use:
At treatment of trichomoniasis it is necessary to carry out simultaneous treatment of both partners.
Side effects:
Headache, dizziness, consciousness disturbance, tremor, rigidity, diskoordination of movements, spasms, the touch or mixed peripheral neuropathy, dispepsichesky frustration.
Interaction with other medicines:
Strengthens effect of anticoagulants of a coumarinic row, prolongs myorelaxation action a bromide vekuroniya. In difference from other imidazolovy derivatives (metronidazole), we will combine with alcohol (does not inhibit an atsetaldegiddegidrogenaza).
Hypersensitivity, pregnancy (I trimester), lactation period, organic diseases of the central nervous system.
Symptoms: epileptiform spasms, depression, peripheral neuritis. Treatment: symptomatic.
Storage conditions:
List B. In dry, protected from light and the place, unavailable to children, at a temperature not above 25 °C. A period of validity - 2 years. Not to use drug after the date specified on packaging.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Tablets, coated 0,5 g. On 10 tablets in a blister strip packaging. On 10 tablets in bank of orange glass. Each can or 1 blister strip packaging together with the instruction in a pack from a cardboard.