Ureaplasmosis belongs to the diseases which are transmitted preferential sexually and caused by special organisms – ureaplasmas. These parts take the intermediate place between bacteria, mushrooms and viruses. The microorganism is a parasite on the owner's cell, taking away from it necessary nutrients. Independently they cannot exist.
Ureaplasmosis reasons:
Infection with ureaplasmosis occurs at sexual and not sexual contact, the vertical way – transfer of the pathogenic agent from a mater to a fruit is not excluded. When passing in natural patrimonial ways of the child at the birth infection is also possible. At the same time an ureaplasma it is capable to persistirovat a long time in generative organs of the child, being shown by clinical symptoms of a disease only at decrease in protective forces of an organism. The household way assumes use of the infected bypass objects.
Has ureaplasmosis most often women at what the ratio of the men and women who are getting sick with ureaplasmosis makes about 1:2.
It is scientifically proved that at men the ureaplasma gets into spermatozoa, influencing their mobility, and thus becomes the infertility reason.
Ureaplasmosis symptoms:
Symptoms of ureaplasmosis are not specific, and can remind clinical signs at other venereologic diseases. Patients can note liquid allocations from generative organs which remind "whey". Quite often the itch of generative organs and skin around them disturbs. At the beginning and the end of periods of the woman can note brownish allocations. Releases of blood can be even in the middle of a menstrual cycle. Patients have a skin itch, morbidity in a liver and tendency to colds is noted.
Ureaplasmosis cannot be diagnosed on a smear in a usual microscope. Its diagnosis is based on use of PTsR – activator DNA definition. The method immunofluorescence and determination of level of antibodies to an ureaplasma which defines by capture of a venous blood is recognized also informative.
Treatment of Ureaplasmosis:
Ureaplasmosis, as well as other venereologic diseases, it is necessary to treat at both sexual partners at the same time. Ureaplasmosis is the indication for performing antibiotic treatment to which performing apply tetracyclines, macroleads, is more rare – cephalosporins and ftorkhinolona. Against the background of reception of antibiotics clinical symptoms of ureaplasmosis are rather quickly stopped. However it does not mean final disposal of an organism of the activator yet. It is necessary to connect immunostimulators, bactericidal drugs for topical administration to the comprehensive program of treatment, and also physiotreatment. For the period of treatment for ureaplasmosis it is necessary to stop alcohol intake.