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Clamidiosis — an infectious disease, sexually transmitted, caused by chlamydias (Chlamydia trachomatis).

Clamidiosis symptoms:

The incubation interval after infection lasts 10–14 days. Generally the disease is transmitted sexually, including at oral and genital and proctal and genital contacts.  Condom use reliably protects from chlamydias. Transmission of infection from mother to the child at childbirth is possible. It is precisely unknown whether clamidiosis is transmitted in the household way. Some doctors hold the opinion that the similar way of infection can occur in case of girls, but is almost impossible at boys and adults. Out of a human body the chlamydia can exist 1-2 days then perishes.

One of features of a chlamydial infection is the hidden course of a disease and long-term intracellular stay of microorganisms without the expressed clinical manifestations.

At easy forms of clamidiosis men can have scanty mucopurulent allocations from an urethra, a sensation of discomfort in an urethra, an itch, sometimes morbidity at an urination, reddening of sponges of an urethra. At complications (an inflammation of testicles, their appendages, a prostate, damage of joints, conjunctivas of eyes) there is a clinical picture corresponding to each of these diseases.

At women of manifestation arise even less often. As a rule, it allocations from the cervical channel, the erosion of a neck of uterus seen only to the doctor on reception are more rare discomfort in a vagina, at an urination, an itch in the same areas, and also in the field of an anus. Damage of a throat and almonds, and also a rectum often occurs at both floors.

The most terrible complications of clamidiosis are infertility, abortions, extrauterine pregnancies, anomalies of fetation.

After the postponed disease caused by C. trachomatis, immunity unstable. The postponed infection does not provide immunity to repeated infection. The immune response is supported only in the presence of the activator in an organism.

The Chlamidia proctitis is quite probable also at women, however men as the prime cause of this disease of a rectum - clamidiosis which at damage of an urinary system at first proceeds preferential in the form of an urethritis, i.e. a male disease are exposed to the greatest risk. Chlamydias are called very ancient microorganisms, related to bacteria. They strike men, women and children irrespective of age. Ways of transmission of infection are very various. The household way of infection, i.e. transfer of microbes through use of the general sanitary products is typical for clamidiosis (a towel, a bast etc.). The child can catch chlamydias at the time of delivery, i.e. in a sexual path of mother. Fruit infection even before childbirth is not excluded. The main way of transmission of infection - sexual. Today clamidiosis is recognized as the most eurysynusic STD in the world. In this or that form 3 billion people are ill it. From the affected urethra (at women usually from a vagina) inflammatory process at clamidiosis extends in several directions - to a prostate, Chlamidia prostatitis, or on area of upper uric ways is a consequence of what, causing Chlamidia pyelonephritis. The third target for microbes - the rectum affected most often at hit in it through an anus of allocations from an urethra. As for other diseases, Chlamidia prostatitis is treated in general as well as other forms of prostatitis. Chlamidia pyelonephritis is equally presented both at men, and at women, and at women risk to ache with it much above. Transition of inflammatory process from an urethra to upper uric ways (the ascending infection) as the reason of pyelonephritises is slightly more often noted at women. It is possible to determine the fact of infection with a chlamydial infection only by a laboratory research as clamidiosis does not possess any specific symptoms. It is possible to guess existence of active chlamydias if the proctitis is preceded by urethritis signs - an itch and urethra pains, and also frequent desires to an urination. However it not necessarily indicates Chlamidia character of an inflammation of a rectum. The similar picture is quite often noted also at the gonorrheal proctitis called sometimes by rectum gonorrhea. Clamidiosis effects always heavy. Extending from the inflammation center, microbes cause inflammations of other bodies, first of all joints, eyes and airways. It leads to development of polyarthritis, conjunctivitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis and even pneumonia. The general symptoms of damage of a rectum are the itch and burning in an anus and also containing pus mucous allocations from an anus. Slime and pus come out only during defecation (if it occurs constantly, that is the bases to suspect not a proctitis, but fistula of a rectum or insufficiency of a proctal sphincter). Emergence in the lower part of a rectum of painful sharp-pointed warts - condylomas is sometimes noted. It demonstrates that the human papillomavirus infection joined inflammatory process.

Hlamiyodiyyony konjyunkyotiyovit - it is poyorazheyony sliyoziyosty hlamiyodiyoyam of eyes, vystupayot as soputyostvuyushchy zayoboyoleyovayony a hlamiyodiyooyoz.
-  Inyokuyobatsiyoonyony пе­ри­од at vzyoroyosyoly soyostavyolyayot from 2 to 7 days to meyosyayoets. Chayosto proyoteyokayot besyosimpyotomyono. Ди­аг­но­сти­руют­ся as vyayoloyoteyokushchy konjyunkyotiyoviyota or blefayoriyota with hroyoniyocheyosky vospayoleyoniyoy edges a century.
- In the nayochayol по­ража­ет­ся one eye, and in a teyocheyoniya of 2 — 6 days at a treyota of bolyyony peyoreyokhoyodit also on vtoyory, отме­ча­ет­ся poyokrasyoneyony a sliyoziyosty oboyolochyoka of a glayoz, sleyozoyoteyocheyony, све­то­бо­язнь. At a bolshinyostyov bolyyony about 3 — 5 days опре­де­ля­ет­ся zayoboyoleyovayony limfayotiyocheyosky uzyol, rasyopoyolozhenyony пе­ред ushyony rayokoyoviyony, evyostayokhiyoit.
- The Ostyory form ха­рак­те­ри­зу­ет­ся a vyrazhenyony oteyok a century, obilyyony sliyoziyosto-gnoyyony otyodeyolyayoemy, oteyoky konjyunkyotiyova of oboyoy eyelids, poyorazheyoniyoy rogoyoviyoets in a viyoda of melyoky otechyony and krupyony gnoyyony uchastyok of an upyolotyonenyony tkayona about krupyony folyoliyokuyolam on a nizhyony veyok, uveyoliyocheyony konjyunkyotiyova of a verkhyony veyok, upyolotyoneyony a tkayony konjyunkyotiyova.
- At a hroyoniyocheyosky stayodiya, на­блю­да­ет­ся umeyorenyony swelled a century and upyolotyoneyony tkayon of a konjyunkyotiyova, legyoky sliyoziyosty a vyyodeyoleyoniya from eyes.

Clamidiosis reasons:

Chlamydias — small motionless intracellular microorganisms. They are not capable to synthesize independently energy and therefore parasitize in the cells of a cylindrical epithelium covering an urethra, channels of a prostate, an epididymis, seminiferous ways, a vagina, a neck of uterus, a zone of the proctal channel, an oral cavity, tissues of ovaries and uterine tubes. In some cases chlamydias are capable to cause widespread process, striking conjunctivas of eyes, joints, other bodies. Such process is called a disease of Reuters.

Treatment of Clamidiosis:

При­ме­няют­ся anyotiyobioyotiyokam of a tetyoratsiyokyoliyonoyovy ryayod, mayokyoroyoliyoda and ftoryokhyoiyonoyoloyona, glazyony thaws mestyono, anyotigiyostaminyony prepayorayota. Leyocheyoniye про­должа­ет­ся not meyony 21 day. On an okonyochayoniya a leyocheyoniya не­об­хо­димо konyotrolyyony obyosleyodoyovayony (not a meyony 2 otyoritsayotelyyony reyozultayot) in a supeyoryoinfektion izyobezhayoniya.
Treatment of a Chlamidia proctitis consists in suppression of inflammatory process and fight against an infection. The inflammatory phenomena are eliminated by use of candles with protargol which possesses also knitting and antiseptic action. Pains are stopped by means of microclysters with belladonna extract (no more than 0,02 g of extract on one enema) or candles with belladonna alkaloids. Other medical procedures are carried out by the urologist. The doctor deletes also condylomas if they appeared.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Clamidiosis:

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