
Producer: CJSC Pharmaceutical Firm Darnitsa Ukraine
Code of automatic telephone exchange: D08AJ10
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Solution for injections.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 1 ml of solution contains a miramistin of 0,1 mg;
excipient: the water purified.
Pharmacological properties:
The direct hydrophobic interaction of a molecule with lipids of membranes of microorganisms leading to their fragmentation and destruction is the cornerstone of action of a miramistin. At the same time a part of a molecule of a miramistin, plunging into the hydrophobic site of a membrane, destroys a nadmembranny layer, loosens a membrane, increases its permeability for high-molecular substances, changes fermental activity of a microbic cell, inhibiting fermental systems that leads to oppression of life activity of microorganisms and their cytolysis.
Unlike other antiseptic agents, мирамистин has sharp selectivity of action concerning microorganisms since practically does not affect covers of cells of the person. This effect is connected with other structure of cellular membranes of the person (considerable the bigger length of the lipidic radicals which are sharply limiting a possibility of hydrophobic interaction of a miramistin with cells).
Miramistin possesses the expressed antimicrobic action concerning gram-positive and gram-negative, aerobic and anaerobic, spore-forming and asporogenic bacteria in the form of monocultures and microbic associations, including hospital strains.
Works perniciously on causative agents of diseases, sexually transmitted: gonokokk, pale treponemas, trichomonads, chlamydias, and also on viruses of herpes, an immunodeficiency of the person. Has antifungal effect on ascomycetes of the sort Aspergillus and the sort Penicillium, barmy (Rhodotorula rubra, Torulopsis gabrata, etc.) and drozhzhepodobny (Candida albicans, Candida tropicalis, Candida krusei, etc.) mushrooms, on dermatophytes (Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Trichophyton verrucosum, Trichophyton schoenleini, Trichophyton violaceum, Epidermophyton Kaufman-Wolf, Epidermophyton floccosum, Microsporum gypseum, Microsporum canis, etc.), and also on other pathogenic fungi (for example Pityrosporum orbiculare (Malassezia furfur)) in the form of monocultures and microbic associations. Under a deystviyemmiramistin resistance of microorganisms to antibiotics decreases.
Indications to use:
Surgery, traumatology: topical treatment of contaminated wounds of different localization and etiology; prevention of consecutive infection of the granulating wounds.
Combustiology: treatment of burns of II and III And degrees; preparation of burn wounds for a dermatoplasty.
Obstetrics and gynecology: prevention and treatment of suppuration of puerperal wounds, puerperal infections; wounds of a crotch and vagina; inflammatory diseases of external generative organs and vaginas (vulvovaginitis).
Dermatologiya:kompleksny treatment of candidiases of skin and mucous membranes, mycoses of feet and big folds.
Urology, venereology: complex treatment of acute and chronic uretrit and uretroprostatit specific (clamidiosis, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea) and nonspecific nature; individual prevention of diseases which are transmitted sexually (syphilis, gonorrhea, genital herpes).
Otorhinolaryngology: complex treatment of acute and chronic otitises, antritises, tonsillitis.
Stomatology: treatment of parodontit, stomatitises; hygienic processing of removable prostheses; prevention of microbic complications after operative measures on a mucous membrane of an oral cavity.
Route of administration and doses:
Apply locally adult.
Surgery, traumatology, Combustiology. With the preventive and medical purpose of Miramistinom® irrigate a surface of wounds and burns, рыхло tampon a wound and the fistular courses, fix the gauze tampons moistened with an antiseptic agent. The medical procedure repeats 2-3 times a day for 3-5 days. The method of active drainage of wounds and cavities with a daily expense about 1 l of drug is effective.
Obstetrics and gynecology. For the purpose of prevention of a puerperal infection it is applied in the form of vulval irrigations before childbirth (5-7 days) and in the form of the intra vulval pads moistened with 50 ml of drug, after the delivery with exposure of 2 h for 5 days.
Treatment of inflammatory diseases of female generative organs is carried out by intra vulval introduction of tampons with drug for 2 weeks, processing of skin of external generative organs, and also a drug electrophoresis.
Dermatology. Treatment of candidiases of skin and mucous membranes, mycoses of feet and big folds is performed by irrigation by means of a raspylitelny nozzle, 3-4 multiple pressing or applications 2-4 times a day.
Urology, venereology. In complex treatment of uretrit and uretroprostatit the nose of a nozzle is entered into an external opening of an urethra and squeezed out to 1,5-3 ml (men) and 1-1,5 ml (women) of drug, in a vagina – 5-10 ml. Without unclenching fingers, the nozzle is extended from an urethra opening, detaining solution for 2-3 min. After the procedure bladder emptying for 2 h is not recommended.
The procedure is carried out every other day. A course of treatment – 10 days.
For prevention of venereal diseases solution of a miramistin is effective if it is applied no later than 2 h after sexual intercourse. Bottle contents by means of an urethral nozzle are entered into an urethra – to 2-3 ml (men), 1-2 ml (women), into a vagina – 5-10 ml for 2-3 min. Process leather of an internal surface of hips, a pubis, external generative organs.
Otorhinolaryngology. At purulent antritises during a puncture the genyantrum is washed out by 10 ml of drug. At treatment of tonsillitis and laryngitis carry out reusable rinsings of a throat by Miramistina® solution. At otitises the tampon moistened with drug is entered into external acoustical pass of 4-6 times a day for 10-14 days.
Stomatology. At treatment of parodontit solution of a miramistin is entered into parodontalny pockets on turundas with the subsequent applications on a gingiva for 15 min. At aggravations carry out промываниеМирамистином® parodontalny pockets by means of the syringe and enter into a turunda abscess cavity with drug. After carrying out a vestibuloplastika and a frenulektomiya drug is used in the form of trays in out-patient conditions. For the purpose of hygienic processing of removable prostheses the last leave for the night in solution of a miramistin, before use prostheses carefully wash out flowing water.
Features of use:
Use during pregnancy or feeding by a breast.
As the drug resorption is practically absent, use of Miramistina® during pregnancy or feeding is allowed by a breast.
Ability to influence speed of response at control of motor transport or work with other mechanisms.
Primeneniyepreparata is characterized by lack of influence on ability to manage motor transport or to be engaged in other potentially dangerous types of activity demanding the increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.
As there is no sufficient experience of use of solution of a miramistin for treatment of children, it is not applied in pediatric practice.
Side effects:
In some cases perhaps short-term burning sensation which is disappearing independently through 15-20 with and not demanding drug withdrawal.
At hypersensitivity to a miramistin there can be phenomena of local irritation of skin: itch, hyperemia, burning sensation, xeroderma.
Interaction with other medicines and other types of interactions.
At the combined use of antibiotics with miramistiny decrease in resistance of microorganisms to antibiotics is observed.
Interaction with other medicines:
At the combined use of antibiotics with miramistiny decrease in resistance of microorganisms to antibiotics is observed.
Individual sensitivity to a miramistin.
Venereology. Urology. After processing of Miramistinom® of an urethra, a vagina, the internal surfaces of hips, a pubis and external generative organs the urination during 2 h is not recommended.
The phenomena of overdose were not observed.
Storage conditions:
Period of validity. 3 years. To store in the place protected from children in original packaging at a temperature not above 30 °C. Not to freeze.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
On 50 ml in a bottle, on 1 bottle with an urethral nozzle in a pack.