Miramistin ointment

Producer: CJSC Pharmaceutical Firm Darnitsa Ukraine
Code of automatic telephone exchange: D08AJ10
Release form: Soft dosage forms. Ointment.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 1 g of ointment contains a miramistin (in terms of anhydrous substance) 5 mg;
excipients: dinatrium эдетат, a macrogoal 400, a macrogoal 1500, a macrogoal 6000, проксанол 268, propylene glycol, the water purified.
Pharmacological properties:
Miramistin®-Darnitsa ointment contains a cationic antiseptic agent мирамистин thanks to what has antimicrobic effect on gram-positive and gram-negative, aerobic and anaerobic, spore-forming and asporogenic microflora in the form of monocultures and microbic associations, including hospital strains with polyresistance to antibiotics. Drug is more effective concerning gram-positive bacteria (staphylococcus, streptococci, etc.). Has antifungal effect on ascomycetes of the sort Aspergillus and the sort Penicillium, barmy (Rhodotorula rubra, Torulopsis gabrata, etc.) and drozhzhepodobny (Candida albicans, Candida tropicalis, Candida krusei, etc.) mushrooms, on dermatophytes (Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Trichophyton verrucosum, Trichophyton schoenleini, Trichophyton violaceum, Epidermophyton, Kaufman-Wolf, Epidermophyton floccosum, Microsporum gypseum, Microsporum canis, etc.), and also on other pathogenic fungi (for example Pityrosporum orbiculare (Malassezia furfur)) in the form of monocultures and microbic associations, including fungal microflora with resistance to chemotherapeutic drugs.
Drug reduces resistance of bacteria and mushrooms to antibiotics. Thanks to a wide range of antimicrobic action, мирамистин effectively prevents infection of wounds and burns, activating regeneration processes. Drug has the expressed giperosmolyarny activity owing to what stops a wound and perifocal inflammation, absorbs purulent exudate and selectively dehydrates nekrotizirovanny fabrics, promoting formation of a dry scab. At the same time ointment does not damage granulations and viable cells of skin, does not oppress regional epithelization.
Thanks to physical and chemical properties of an ointment basis Miramistin®-Darnitsa affects not only superficial wound microflora, but also on the activators located in the fabrics surrounding a wound because of what it is not excluded that an insignificant part of a miramistin can get to a system blood stream.
Indications to use:
- In surgery – in the 1st phase of a wound process for treatment of contaminated wounds of various localization and genesis (a wound after surgical treatment of suppurative focuses, decubituses, trophic ulcers, the suppurated postoperative wounds, fistulas); in the 2nd phase of a wound process – for prevention of a reinfitsirovaniye of the granulating wounds.
- In Combustiology – for treatment of superficial and deep burns of II-IIIA of degree and frostbites, for preparation of burn wounds for an autodermoplastika.
- In dermatology – for treatment strepto-and staphylodermas, candidiases of skin and mucous, mycoses of feet and large skin folds, including the disgidrotichesky forms and forms complicated by a pyoderma, dermatomycoses of smooth skin, an onychomycosis and keratomycoses, including a chromophytosis.
- For prevention of complications of a wound fever – at uncomprehensive production and home accidents.
Route of administration and doses:
Miramistin®-Darnitsa ointment is applied locally. After standard processing of wounds and burns at adults drug is applied directly on the struck surface then apply a sterile gauze bandage or apply ointment on a dressing material, and then on a wound. рыхло fill with tampons which are impregnated with drug cavities of purulent wounds after their surgical treatment. Gauze turundas with ointment enter into the fistular courses.
At treatment of purulent wounds and burns in the 1st phase of a wound process drug is used 1 time a day, in the 2nd phase – 1 time in 1-3 days depending on a condition of a wound. The dose depends on the area of a wound surface and degree of purulent exudation. Duration of treatment is caused by dynamics of clarification and healing of wounds. At deep localization of an infection in soft tissues use of drug together with antibiotics of systemic action is possible, at the same time duration of treatment will be defined by duration of a course of reception of an antibiotic.
At treatment of dermatological diseases at adults drug is applied with a thin layer on the damaged sites of skin several times in days or impregnate a gauze bandage with the subsequent its application on the defeat center 1-2 times a day before receiving negative takes of microbiological control. At widespread dermatomycoses, in particular a rubromikoza, ointment can be applied within 5-6 weeks in complex therapy with griseofulvin or antifungal drugs of systemic action. At fungal infections of nails before an initiation of treatment nail plates otslaivat.
Features of use:
Efficiency of Miramistin®-Darnitsa ointment increases if it is applied on the wound surface which is previously washed out by aseptic solution. Existence is purulent - necrotic masses in a wound demands an additional consumption of ointment.
Use during pregnancy or feeding by a breast. There is no sufficient experience of use of ointment at the pregnant women and women nursing therefore before use of drug it is necessary to consult with the doctor.
Ability to influence speed of response at control of motor transport or work with other mechanisms. Primeneniyepreparata is characterized by lack of influence on ability to manage motor transport or to be engaged in other potentially dangerous types of activity demanding the increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.
Children. As there is no sufficient experience of use of Miramistin®-Darnitsa ointment for treatment of children, it is not applied in pediatric practice.
Side effects:
In some cases, at treatment of burns and trophic ulcers, drug can cause a feeling of easy burning, an itch and reddening in a site of application. These symptoms pass independently and also phase-out of ointment do not need use of analgetik.
Development of the allergic reactions connected with individual intolerance to drug components is also possible.
Interaction with other medicines:
The means containing anion surfactant (soap solutions) inactivate drug. At the combined treatment of a wound when topical administration of Miramistin®-Darnitsa ointment is combined with system introduction of antibiotics, the dose can be reduced by a course of the last.
Individual sensitivity to drug components.
The drug overdose was not observed so far. However at use of drug on an extensive wound surface in a large number, emergence of a miramistin in a system blood-groove which action will be shown as effect of cationic detergent is not excluded and can extend time of bleedings.
Treatment. Reduction of a dose or phase-out of drug, appoint peroral drugs of calcium, Vikasolum.
Storage conditions:
Period of validity. 2 years. To store in the place, unavailable to children, in original packaging, at a temperature not above 25 °C.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
For 1000 in banks; on 15 g and 30 g in tubas, on 1 tuba in a pack.