
Producer: Stada Arzneimittel ("STADA Artsnaymittel") Germany
Code of automatic telephone exchange: J05AX
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
One tablet contains: a tilorona – 0,125g, excipients (hydroxycarbonate magnesium hydrate (magnesium carbonic the main water), повион (polyvinylpirrolidone low-molecular medical, коллидон), calcium stearate, silicon dioxide colloid (aerosil), beeswax, a liquid paraffin, sucrose, talc, tropeolin Oh, of titanium dioxide, polyethyleneglycol high-molecular 6000) – before receiving a tablet weight 0,39g.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Лавомакс® stimulates education in an organism α,β and γ-interferon. The main producers of interferon in response to introduction of Lavomaksa® are intestines epithelium cells, hepatocytes, T lymphocytes and neutrophils. After intake at most of products of interferon intestines-liver-blood in 4-24 hours are defined in the sequence. Лавомакс® has immunomodulatory and antiviral effect. Stimulates stem cells of marrow, depending on a dose strengthens antibodyformation, reduces immunosuppression degree, recovers a ratio T-helpery/T-supressory. It is effective against various viral infections, including against influenza viruses, other acute respiratory viral infections, viruses of hepatitis and gerpesvirus. The mechanism of anti-virus action is connected with inhibition of broadcast of virus-specific proteins in the infected cells therefore the reproduction of viruses is suppressed.
Pharmacokinetics. After intake of Lavomaks® it is quickly soaked up from digestive tract. Bioavailability makes 60%. About 80% of drug contact proteins of plasma. Drug practically in an invariable view with a stake (70%) and urine (9%) is removed. The elimination half-life (T1/2) makes 48 hours. Drug is not exposed to biotransformation and does not collect in an organism.
Indications to use:
At adults for treatment of a viral hepatitis And, In, With, a herpes infection, a Cytomegaloviral infection, as a part of complex therapy of infectious and allergic and viral encephalomyelitis (multiple sclerosis, leukoencephalites, uveoentsefalita, etc.), as a part of complex therapy of urogenital and respiratory clamidiosis, for treatment and prevention of flu and other SARS.
Route of administration and doses:
Drug is accepted inside after food. For nonspecific prevention of a viral hepatitis And – 0,125g in a week within 6 weeks. For treatment of a viral hepatitis And – the first day on 0,125g 2 times, then on 0,125g in 48 hours. Course of treatment 1,25g (10 tablets). For treatment of an acute hepatitis In – the first and second days on 0,125g, then on 0,125g in 48 hours. A course lecheniya2g (16 tablets), at the long course of hepatitis B – 0,125g 2 times a day in the first day, then on 0,125g cherez48 hours. Course of treatment 2,5g (20 tablets). At chronic hepatitis B – an initial phase of treatment (2,5g – 20 tablets) – the first two days on 0,25g, then 0,125g in a week. A course dose of Lavomaksa® from 3,75g to 5 g, duration of therapy of 3,5-6 months depending on results of the biochemical, immunological, morphological researches reflecting a process degree of activity. At an acute hepatitis With – the first and second days on 0,125, then on 0,125g in 48 hours. Course of treatment 2,5g (20 tablets). At chronic hepatitis C – an initial phase of treatment (2,5g – 20 tablets) – the first two days on 0,25g, then 0,125g in 48 hours. A continuation phase (2,5g – 20 tablets) – on 0,125g in a week. A course dose of Lavomaksa® - 5 g, therapy duration – 6 months depending on results of biochemical, immunological, morphological markers of activity of process. At treatment of flu and other SARS – in the first two days of a disease on 0,125g, then in 48 hours on 0,125g. Course of treatment 0,750g. For prevention of flu and other SARS – 0,125g once a week within 6 weeks. For treatment of a herpes, Cytomegaloviral infection – the first two days on 0,125g, then in 48 hours on 0,125g. Course dose 2,5g. At urogenital and rempiratorny clamidiosis – the first two days on 0,125g, then in 48 hours on 0,125g. Course dose 1,25g. At complex therapy of neuroviral infections the dose is established individually, the course of treatment makes 4 weeks.
Side effects:
Allergic reactions, the dispeptic phenomena, short-term fever are possible.
Interaction with other medicines:
Let's combine with antibiotics and means of traditional treatment of viral and bacterial diseases. Clinically significant interaction of Lavomaksa® with antibiotics and means of traditional treatment of viral and bacterial diseases is not revealed.
Hypersensitivity to drug. Period of pregnancy and lactation. Children's age (up to 7 years).
Cases of overdose of Lavomaksa® are unknown.
Storage conditions:
List B. In the dry, protected from light place unavailable to children at temperature not above 25 °C.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Tablets, coated, on 125 mg. On 6 or 10 tablets in a blister strip packaging, one or two blister strip packagings together with the instruction on a medical use of drug in a cardboard pack.