Prevention of a trichomoniasis
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At men:
It is necessary right after sexual contact, but no later than 2 hours, to urinate;
Then through a special nozzle (it is applied to drug): to enter into an urethra (instillation) 1,5-3 ml, solution of a miramistin for 3-5 minutes;
At women:
It is necessary right after sexual contact, but no later than 2 hours, to urinate;
To enter into a vagina 5-10 ml of solution of a miramistin for 2-3 minutes;
To process solution of a miramistin external genitals, leather of a pubis and internal surface of hips;
At oral and genital contact: to carry out irrigations of a mucous oral cavity and a throat by solution of a miramistin.
At proctal and genital sex — it is recommended to use condom.
The doctor since it is necessary to consider all factors exerting impact on the course of a disease has to carry out treatment of urinogenital trichomoniasis.

Clinical displays of trichomoniasis