Senile (atrophic) colpitis
- Description
- Symptoms of the Senile (atrophic) colpitis
- Reasons of the Senile (atrophic) colpitis
- Treatment of the Senile (atrophic) colpitis
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Atrophic (senile) colpitis – involute dystrophic and inflammatory fabric changes mucous the vaginas caused by a gipoestrogeniya and thinning of a multilayer epithelium. The atrophic colpitis is shown by dryness mucous vaginas, an itch, a dispareuniya, recurrent inflammations, the bloody smearing allocations from a genital tract. For identification of an atrophic colpitis gynecologic inspection, a kolposkopiya, a research of smears is performed. Treatment of an atrophic colpitis includes local and general hormonal therapy.
Symptoms of the Senile (atrophic) colpitis:
In most cases the atrophic colpitis proceeds inertly therefore practically nothing can disturb the woman. Appear periodic scanty bleach, sometimes patients note a thermalgia and an itch in a vulva which amplify after an urination or holding hygienic procedures with soap use.
Vulnerable mucous it becomes frequent the reason of sanious allocations at the sexual intercourse, defecation, capture of smears. Microcracks and bleeding are combined with an aseptic inflammation in the beginning, however on this background consecutive infection easily develops.
Owing to atrophic changes of muscles of a bladder and a pelvic bottom the urination becomes frequent, the urine incontience develops at a physical tension less often. Dryness mucous vaginas at an atrophic colpitis becomes the dispareuniya reason – discomfort and painful feelings at sexual intercourse.

Type of a neck of uterus at a colpitis
Reasons of the Senile (atrophic) colpitis:
Development of an atrophic colpitis is preceded, as a rule, by approach of a natural menopause, an ovariectomy, radiation of ovaries.
The gipoestrogeniya – the oestrogenic deficit which is followed by the termination of proliferation of a vulval epithelium, reduction of secretion of vulval glands, thinning by the mucous, her increased vulnerability and dryness is the leading reason of an atrophic colpitis.
The changes of a biocenosis of a vagina connected with disappearance of a glycogen, reduction of lactobacilli and increase рН cause activation of native opportunistic flora and penetration of bacteria from the outside. Microtraumas mucous at gynecologic manipulations or sexual intercourse are entrance gate for an infection. Against the background of easing of the general immunity and chronic extragenital diseases local nonspecific inflammatory reaction mucous vaginas develops; the atrophic colpitis gains recurrent persistent character of a current.
The risk group on development of an atrophic colpitis is made by women with an early climax, endocrinopathies (a diabetes mellitus, a hypothyroidism), removal or switching off of function of both ovaries.
Unsatisfactory intimate hygiene, wearing synthetic linen, use of the flavored soap, gels can promote development of an atrophic colpitis.
Treatment of the Senile (atrophic) colpitis:
As the therapy purpose at an atrophic colpitis serves recovery of a trophicity of an epithelial vystilka of a vagina and prevention of a recurrence of a vaginitis.
In most cases at an atrophic colpitis carrying out replaceable (local and system) hormonal therapy (ZGT) is appointed.
Local drugs for treatment of an atrophic colpitis (estriol, овестин) are entered into a vagina in the form of ointment or candles within 2 weeks. Means of system influence (Angélique, an indivina, тиболон, климодиен, oestradiol, клиогест) are applied in the form of tablets or plasters. System ZGT is counted on prolonged continuous use (up to 5 years). At patients with an atrophic colpitis use of phytoestrogen - drugs of a plant origin is also possible
At identification of a specific colpitis taking into account the activator causal local treatment is in addition carried out. At the speeded-up urination, an incontience of urine uroseptik can be shown.
Efficiency of treatment of an atrophic colpitis is traced by carrying out a dynamic kolposkopiya, a cytologic research, a vulval rn-metriya.
In situations of impossibility of use of estrogen (at a breast cancer, endometrial cancer, bleedings, arterial or venous thromboembolisms in the anamnesis, diseases of a liver, stenocardia, a myocardial infarction, etc.) for treatment of an atrophic colpitis syringings, trays with solutions of a calendula, the pharmaceutical camomile of a St. John's Wort and other herbs possessing local antiseptic, antiinflammatory and reparative action are used.