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Attacks of a sudden stethalgia owing to an acute shortage of blood supply of a cardiac muscle it is the clinical form of coronary heart disease called by stenocardia.

Stenocardia symptoms:

Stenocardia can often be distinguished at the first address of the patient whereas observation of the course of stenocardia and the analysis of these numerous inquiries and inspections of the patient with stenocardia are necessary for a rejection of the diagnosis of stenocardia. The following signs supplement the clinical characteristic of stenocardia, but their absence does not exclude the diagnosis of stenocardia:

    * localization of pain behind a breast (it is most typical!), it can give to the area of a neck, to a mandible, and teeth, to a hand, as a rule, left, to a shoulder girdle and a shovel (is more often at the left);
    * the nature of pain — pressing, squeezing is more rare — burning (like heartburn) or feeling of a foreign body in a breast (the patient can sometimes feel not painful, but burdensome feeling behind a breast and then he denies existence actually of pain);
    * stenocardias of increase in the ABP, simultaneous with an attack, pallor of covers, perspiration, pulse rate fluctuations, emergence of feeling of interruptions in area of heart. All above-mentioned characterizes, a so-called angina of exertion, that is option of the stenocardia arising at loadings.

Stenocardia reasons:

In most cases stenocardia is caused by atherosclerosis of coronal arteries of heart; the initial stage of the last limits expansion of a gleam of an artery and causes acute shortage of blood supply of a myocardium at considerable physical or (and) emotional retension; the sharp atherosclerosis narrowing an artery gleam for 75% and more causes such deficit already at a moderate tension.
Conditions of emergence of an attack of stenocardia most often — walking (pain at acceleration of the movement, at rise uphill, at a biting head wind, when walking after food or with a heavy burden), but also the attack of stenocardia can arise also at other physical effort, or (and) considerable emotional pressure. Conditionality of pain is shown by physical effort that at its continuation or increase also intensity of pain by all means increases, and at the termination of effort pain abates or disappears within several minutes. The called three features of pain are sufficient for statement of the clinical diagnosis of an attack of stenocardia and for its otgranicheniye from various pain in heart and in general in a breast, not being stenocardia.

Treatment of Stenocardia:

The attack of stenocardia needs to be stopped. This quite dangerous disease and its treatment has to is carried out only under observation of the doctor, in the conditions of a hospital.
Treatment of stenocardia is directed to achievement of main objectives: reduction of risk of developing of a myocardial infarction, normalization of quality of life. Disposal of attacks of stenocardia assumes refusal of smoking, observance of a diet, an optimum exercise stress, control of the ABP.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Stenocardia:

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