Kardionat (capsules)

Producer: Stada Arzneimittel ("STADA Artsnaymittel") Germany
Code of automatic telephone exchange: C01EB
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Capsules.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active agent: a meldoniya a dihydrate (a propionate trimetilgidraziniya a dihydrate) in terms of a dihydrate without the adsorbed moisture – 250 mg (in terms of anhydrous substance – 200,5 mg); excipients: potato starch, aerosil (silicon dioxide colloid), calcium stearate. Structure of the capsule: gelatin, titanium dioxide, quinoline yellow, sunset-yellow, crimson (Ponso 4R), azoruby. Solid gelatin capsules No. 1 of yellow-red color (the case – yellow, a lid – red). Contents of capsules – white or almost white crystal powder with a slight smell. Powder is hygroscopic.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. The synthetic analog of a gamma butyrobetaine, inhibits gamma бутиробетаингидроксиназу, reduces synthesis of a carnitine and transport of long-chain fatty acids through covers of cells, interferes with accumulation in cells of the activated forms of unoxidized fatty acids – a derivative acylcarnitine and an acylcoenzyme And. The cardiotyre-tread means normalizing metabolism of a myocardium. In the conditions of ischemia recovers balance of processes of delivery of oxygen and its consumption in cells, prevents disturbance of transport of ATP; along with it activates glycolysis which proceeds without additional consumption of oxygen.
As a result of decrease in concentration of a carnitine the gamma butyrobetaine having vazodilatiruyushchy properties is strenuously synthesized. The mechanism of action defines variety of its pharmacological effects: increase in working capacity, reduction of symptoms of a mental and physical overstrain, activation of fabric and humoral immunity, cardiotyre-tread action. In case of acute ischemic injury of a myocardium, slows down formation of a necrotic zone, shortens the rehabilitation period. At heart failure increases contractility of a myocardium, increases tolerance to an exercise stress, reduces the frequency of attacks of stenocardia. At acute and chronic ischemic disorders of cerebral circulation improves blood circulation in the ischemia center, promotes redistribution of blood in favor of the ischemic site. It is effective in case of vascular and dystrophic pathology of an eyeground. Also tonic action on the central nervous system, elimination of functional disturbances of somatic and vegetative nervous systems at patients with an alcoholism at an abstinence syndrome is characteristic.
Pharmacokinetics. After intake it is quickly soaked up, bioavailability – 78%. The maximum concentration in a blood plasma is reached in 1-2 hours after intake. It is metabolized in an organism with formation of two main metabolites which are removed by kidneys. The elimination half-life at intake depends on a dose, makes 3-6 hours.
Indications to use:
Reduced working capacity, physical overstrain (including at athletes), the postoperative period for rehabilitation acceleration; As a part of a combination therapy of coronary heart disease (stenocardia), chronic heart failure; cardialgias against the background of dishormonal dystrophy of a myocardium; The Abstinence alcoholic syndrome (in a combination with specific therapy); Disturbances of blood supply of a brain (stroke, cerebrovascular insufficiency).
Route of administration and doses:
In view of possible development of exciting effect it is recommended to apply in the first half of day.
At decrease in working capacity and a physical overstrain (including at athletes):
The adult appoint inside 250 mg 4 times a day. A course of treatment - 10-14 days. If necessary treatment is repeated in 2-3 weeks.
To athletes appoint inside 0,5-1 g 2 times a day before trainings. Course duration during the preparatory period – 14-21 days, during competitions – 10-14 days.
Stable stenocardia – inside, on 250 mg 3 times a day during the first 3-4 days, further 2 times a week, on 250 mg 3 times a day. A cardialgia against the background of dishormonal dystrophy of a myocardium – inside, on 250 mg 2 times a day (in the morning and in the evening). Course of treatment of-12 days.
Alcoholism – inside, on 500 mg 4 times a day. A course of treatment – 7-10 days.
Chronic disturbances of cerebral circulation – inside, on 0,5-1 g a day, it is desirable in the first half of day. A course of treatment – 2-3 weeks.
Features of use:
Patients should be careful with chronic diseases of a liver and kidneys at prolonged use of drug. There are no sufficient data about Kardionat's use for children. Influence on ability to manage vehicles and to service other mechanisms: There are no data on an adverse effect of drug on the speed of psychomotor reaction.
Side effects:
Seldom - allergic reactions (reddening, rashes, an itch, hypostasis), and also – the dispeptic phenomena, tachycardia, a lowering of arterial pressure, excitement.
Interaction with other medicines:
Strengthens action of koronarodilatiruyushchy means, some antihypertensives, cardiac glycosides. It is possible to combine with anti-anginal means, anticoagulants, antiagregant, antiarrhytmic means, diuretics, bronchial spasmolytics. In view of possible development of moderate tachycardia and arterial hypotension, it is necessary to be careful at a combination with nitroglycerine, nifedipine, alpha adrenoblockers, antihypertensives and peripheral vazodilatator.
Hypersensitivity to drug, increase in intracranial pressure (at disturbance of venous outflow, intracranial tumors), age up to 18 years (efficiency and safety are not established). With care: diseases of a liver and/or kidneys.
Cases of overdose of a kardionat are not known. Drug малотоксичен also does not cause side effects, patients hazardous to health.
Storage conditions:
List B. To store in the place, dry, unavailable to children, at a temperature not above 20ºС.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Capsules on 250 mg. On 10 capsules in a blister strip packaging from a film of polyvinyl chloride and aluminum foil; on 100 capsules in bank of polymeric. Each can or 2, 4 or 10 blister strip packagings together with the application instruction are placed in a pack cardboard.