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Hyper aldosteronism


The hyper aldosteronism is the disease caused by the bark of adrenal glands strengthened by products of Aldosteronum. The increased concentration in an organism of Aldosteronum is followed by increase in arterial pressure and muscular weakness (myasthenia).

Giperaldosteronizm's symptoms:

The first manifestation of a hyper aldosteronism - usually happens increase in arterial pressure. The patient has headaches, weakness, unpleasant feelings and the aching pains in heart.

Further there are muscular weakness, pains and spasms in muscles. There can sometimes be passing paralyzes of muscles. Attacks of muscular weakness can amplify at physical and mental loadings.

There are complaints to deterioration in sight.

From kidneys there are disturbances of an urination, a night urination, increase in volume of the emitted urine.

There is an increase in heart rate, disturbance of a cordial rhythm, persistent arterial hypertension.

The diagnosis of a hyper aldosteronism is established on the basis of a combination of persistent arterial hypertension and complaints to muscular weakness, changes from kidneys. In blood find the increased amount of sodium, low content of potassium, increase in concentration of Aldosteronum. At ultrasonography and a computer tomography find the increased adrenal gland.

Giperaldosteronizm's reasons:

Gormonolno-active adenoma (aldosteroma) of bark of adrenal glands sometimes of such adenomas or microadenomas happens the reason for the strengthened products of Aldosteronum in adrenal glands most often happens much. Cancer of an adrenal gland can produce Aldosteronum and cortexone. Aldosteronum is produced in a glomerular zone of bark of an adrenal gland and the simple hyperplasia (increase) of a glomerular zone of bark of an adrenal gland can also lead to a hyper aldosteronism. Sometimes leads the long use of some medicines to the raised products of Aldosteronum (diuretic, oral contraceptives, laxative).

The hyper aldosteronism arises at some long chronic diseases of kidneys, at tumors of kidneys, at is long the current arterial hypertension. Displays of a disease are caused by excess products of an adrenal hormone of Aldosteronum. Aldosteronum in an organism regulates the return absorption of sodium and release of potassium in tubules of kidneys.

If the quantity of Aldosteronum increases, in an organism the bigger amount of sodium is late and the bigger amount of potassium is removed. In blood in this case sodium collects, and the amount of potassium decreases. Together with sodium ions in an organism also the excessive amount of liquid (water) collects. Due to excess amount of liquid, work of kidneys on its removal amplifies and development by kidneys of own biologically active agent – a renin decreases.

The low amount of potassium in blood (a gipokaliyemichesky syndrome) leads to pathological changes in kidneys (a gipokaliyemichesky nephropathy) and muscles (a myasthenia, heart muscle dystrophy). Because of a delay in an organism of sodium there is its accumulation in walls of small arterial vessels (arterioles), swelling and hypostasis of walls, increase in their tone that finally leads to increase in arterial pressure.

Giperaldosteronizm's treatment:

Treatment of a hyper aldosteronism depends on the main reason for emergence of hyperproduction of Aldosteronum. If as the reason for the raised products of Aldosteronum adrenal gland adenoma, treatment most often surgical served. Removal of an adrenal gland (a unilateral adrenalectomy) is made or delete a tumor. At an adrenal struma at first drug treatment is appointed, at its inefficiency, bilateral removal of adrenal glands can be carried out.

For prevention of acute adrenal insufficiency glucocorticoids are appointed. At other reasons and at the beginning of a disease nifedipine, амлодипин, enalapril, Spironolactonum (верошпирон), potassium drugs are appointed. Sometimes there is a need for purpose of glucocorticoids.

The diet with the increased contents in a diet of the products rich with potassium (dried apricots, raisin, rice, potatoes) and the low content of table salt is surely appointed.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for Giperaldosteronizm's treatment:

  • Препарат Верошпилактон.


    Diuretic kaliysberegayushchy means.


  • Препарат Верошпилактон.


    Diuretic kaliysberegayushchy means.


  • Препарат Спиронолактон-Дарница.


    The means influencing cardiovascular system.

    CJSC Pharmaceutical Firm Darnitsa Ukraine

  • Препарат Спиронолактон.


    Diuretic kaliysberegayushchy means.

    JSC Sintez Russia


  • Препарат Веро-спиронолактон.


    Diuretic kaliysberegayushchy means.


  • Препарат Верошпирон.


    Diuretic kaliysberegayushchy means.

    Gedeon Richter (Gideon Richter) Hungary

  • Препарат Спиронолактон.


    Diuretic means.

    JSC Borisovsky Plant of Medical Supplies Republic of Belarus

  • Препарат Верошпилактон.


    Diuretic kaliysberegayushchy means.


  • Препарат Спиронолактон.


    Diuretic means.

    SC Balkan Pharmaceuticals SRL (Balkans Pharmasyyutikals) Republic of Moldova

  • Препарат Эналаприлат.


    Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (APF inhibitor).

    SC Balkan Pharmaceuticals SRL (Balkans Pharmasyyutikals) Republic of Moldova

  • Препарат Аминоглютетимид.


    Hormonal antineoplastic means.

    SC Balkan Pharmaceuticals SRL (Balkans Pharmasyyutikals) Republic of Moldova

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