Hyperuricemia — the increased content of uric acid in blood. The maximum size for normal level makes 360 micromoles/litre (6 mg/dl) for women and 400 micromoles/litre (6,8 mg/dl) for men.
Hyperuricemia symptoms:
Intestinal manifestations of an uncomplicated form of disturbance of purine exchange are not specific. Abdominal pains, locks, a dysuria, mialgiya and arthralgias, the increased perspiration, night enuresis, tics, a logoneurosis most often occur at younger children (1-8 years). The most frequent manifestations at the senior children and teenagers are an excess body weight, an itch in an urethra, dyskinesia of biliary tract and a back pain. Moderate symptoms of intoxication and astenisation are possible. At children with disturbances of purine exchange it is usually possible to find a large number of external stigmata of a disembriogenez (to 12) and anomaly of a structure of internals ("small" heart diseases, that is prolapses of valves, additional chords; anomaly of a structure of kidneys and gall bladder). In 90% of cases chronic pathology of a digestive tract is diagnosed. Signs of disturbance of metabolism in a myocardium meet almost also often - in 80-82%. More than at a half of such children arterial hypotension is fixed, 1/4 patients have a tendency to arterial hypertension accruing with age the child. Most of children drink a little and have a hypouresis ("opsiuriya"). The uric syndrome is typical for tubulointerstitsialny disturbances: the crystalluria, a hamaturia, is more rare - a leukocyturia (preferential a limfotsituriya) and a cylindruria, a non-constant proteinuria. Obviously, there is close connection of purine exchange and metabolism of oxalates. The crystalluria can be the mixed structure. In 80% of cases it is possible to find disturbances of a circadian rhythm of a mocheotdeleniye - dominance of a night diuresis over day. When progressing intersticial nephrite daily excretion of ions of ammonium decreases.
Hyperuricemia reasons:
The hyperuricemia is caused by the accelerated formation of uric acid because of participation of purine in a metabolism, or because of the weakened work of kidneys, or because of the increased content of fructose in food.
Consumption of food rich with purine is one of the main reasons for a giperuritsemiya. Other reason caused by food is a consumption of high-calorific and greasy food and starvation. Result of starvation happens the fact that for obtaining energy the muscle bulk of a body begins to be spent and the purines released in the course of it get to blood circulation.
Content of purine bases in food variously. Food with the high content of purine bases of adenine and hypoxanthine promote strengthening of a hyperuricemia.
The oxidase, enzyme which destroys uric acid is necessary for the person urate. Increase in level of uric acid increases a gouty diathesis and (at very high level) a renal failure. Irrespective of usual deviations (from a genetic component), the syndrome of disintegration of a new growth develops the critical content of uric acid that almost always leads to a renal failure. The syndrome Lyosha-Nikhena is also interconnected with critically high levels of uric acid. The metabolic syndrome is often presented by a giperuritsemiya.
Treatment of the Hyperuricemia:
Drug "Aquaretics".
The drug "Allopyrinolum" (200-300 mg orally once a day), use is disputable. Reduction of production of uric acid in a body can cause stagnation of uric acid in an organism and lead to a nefrolitiazis or gout.
Decrease in acidity of urine consumption of baking soda.
Diet with the low content of purine (you look gout).
Drug "Febuksostat".