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Autoimmune thyroiditis


Chronic autoimmune thyroiditis or lymphomatous thyroiditis this inflammatory disease of a thyroid gland of the autoimmune nature when in a human body antibodies and lymphocytes the damaging own cells of a thyroid gland are formed. (Antibodies in a human body are normal are developed only on alien substance).

Most often autoimmune tiroidit occurs at patients from 40 to 50 years, and at women ten times more often than at men. This most often found inflammatory disease of a thyroid gland. And recently from an autoimmune tiroidit more and more patients of young age and children suffer.

Symptoms of the Autoimunny thyroiditis:

Chronic autoimmune thyroiditis it is very often long proceeds without any clinical manifestations. Unpleasant feelings in a thyroid gland, feeling of a lump in a throat when swallowing belong to precursory symptoms, pressure sense in a throat. Sometimes there are weak pains in a thyroid gland, generally at palpation of a thyroid gland. Some patients can complain of easy weakness, joint pains.

If the patient has a hyperthyroidism (because of big emission of hormones in blood at damage of cells of a thyroid gland) there are following complaints:

    * trembling of fingers of hands
    * increase of heart rate
    * perspiration
    * increase in arterial pressure.

More often the condition of a hyperthyroidism arises in an onset of the illness. In the subsequent function of a thyroid gland can be normal or нескольго lowered (гипотироз). The hypothyroidism arises usually in 5-15 years from the beginning of a disease and its degree uslivatsya under unfavorable conditions. At acute respiratory viral diseases, at mental and physical overworks, an exacerbation of various chronic diseases.

Depending on a clinical picture and the sizes of a thyroid gland the chronic autoimmune thyroiditis of Hashimoto is divided into forms:

    * atrophic form of an autoimmune thyroiditis. At an atrophic form of an enlargement of the thyroid gland does not happen. Occurs at most of patients, but is more often at advanced age and at young patients who were exposed to radiation exposure. Usually this form clinically is followed by depression of function of a thyroid gland (гипотироз).
    * the hypertrophic form the Hypertrophic form of an autoimmune tiroidit is always followed by an enlargement of the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland can be evenly increased on all volume (a diffusion hypertrophic form), or existence of nodes (a nodal form) is noted. The combination of diffusion and nodal forms is possible. The hypertrophic form of an autoimmune tiroidit can be followed tirotoksikozy at the beginning of a disease, but function of a thyroid gland is more often happens normal or reduced.

The diagnosis of an autoimmune tiroidit is established on the basis of history of a disease, a characteristic clinical picture. In the general blood test increase in quantity of lymphocytes at the general decrease in quantity of leukocytes is found. In a stage of a hyperthyroidism the level of hormones of a thyroid gland in blood increases, at gland depression of function, the amount of hormones in blood decreases, with simultaneous increase in level of hormone of a hypophysis of Thyrotropinum. Find changes in an immunogramma. At ultrasonography find an enlargement of the thyroid gland, its irregularity at a nodal form of a tiroidit. At a biopsy (a research under a microscope of a small piece of tissue of thyroid gland) the large number of lymphocytes and other cells characteristic of an autoimmune lymphomatous tiroidit reveal.

Reasons of the Autoimunny thyroiditis:

It is considered that the autoimmune lymphomatous thyroiditis has the hereditary nature. The diabetes mellitus, various diseases of a thyroid gland often occur at relatives of patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis. But for implementation hereditarily predispositions are necessary accessory adverse external factors. These are respiratory viral diseases, the chronic centers of an infection in the palatine tonsils, bosoms of a nose affected with caries teeth.

Development of an autoimmune tiroidit is promoted by long uncontrolled reception of iodinated drugs, radiation action. Under the influence of a provocative factor in an organism clones of lymphocytes which start reaction of antibody formation to own cells are activated. A result of this process is damage of cells of a thyroid gland (tirotsit). From the damaged cells of a thyroid gland contents of follicles get to blood: hormones, the destroyed parts of internal organellas of a cell which in turn promote further education of antibodies to cells of a thyroid gland. Process gains cyclic character.

Treatment of the Autoimunny thyroiditis:

Drug treatment. At the increased function of a thyroid gland tirostatik (Thiamazolum, mercazolil), beta adrenoblockers are appointed. For decrease in development of antibodies non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are appointed:

    * indometacin
    * metindol
    * Voltarenum.

Drugs for immunity correction, vitamins, adaptogens are appointed. At reduced function of a thyroid gland synthetic hormones of a thyroid gland are appointed. Forecast of a disease satisfactory. The disease slowly progresses. At timely appointed treatment is possible to slow down considerably process and to reach long remission of a disease.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Autoimunny thyroiditis:

  • Препарат Бетаспан.


    Glucocorticosteroids for system use.

    JSC Pharmak Ukraine

  • Препарат Вобэнзим.


    Immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory drug.

    Mucos Pharma GmbH & Co (Mukos Pharm Gmbh and To) Germany

  • Сайт детского здоровья