The term "thyrotoxicosis" is called the state at which in an organism there is for any reasons too large amount of hormones of a thyroid gland (thyroid). Most often this state is observed at total magnification of activity of all thyroid gland. It never arises in itself, and is "side effect" of other diseases of this body (Bazedova a disease, a thyroiditis, a nodal craw).
Hyperthyroidism symptoms:
1. Skin at patients warm, wet, thin its age changes, the increased perspiration, a fine hair are also considerably slowed down. Noticeable changes happen also to nails, shown in the form of painful peeling of a nail plate from a nail bed.
2. There is an increase in a palpebral fissure and eyeglobe, and also protrusion of the last (exophthalmos) because of what eyes take a goggle form. Characteristic signs is also hypostasis and a hyperpegmentation a century, i.e. they take a tumescent form and a brownish shade.
3. In comparison with a hypothyroidism at a thyrotoxicosis opposite effects, such as are observed: increase in arterial pressure (hypertensia), heartbeat increase (tachycardia), increase of pulse. Due to these deviations at patients heart failure develops (heart does not cope with the work and cannot supply fully with blood all bodies and fabrics).
4. Did not avoid a hyperthyroidism and respiratory system which is surprised in the form of breath difficulty (asthma) and decrease in vital capacity of lungs (ZhEL - the maximum quantity of air which can be exhaled after a deep breath).
5. At easy and moderately severe diseases appetite is often increased, and at heavy course it is generally reduced, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea (a liquid watery chair) is also observed. All this leads to decrease in body weight.
6. Patients have a pronounced bystry muscular fatigue against the background of what they feel constant weakness to which the tremor also accompanies (the involuntary rhythmical movements similar to sharply expressed shiver, all body or its separate parts, such as extremities, the head and др). In most cases there is a development of osteoporosis (a skeleton disease at which there is a decrease in mass of a bone tissue and disturbance of a structure of bones). Owing to accumulation of a large amount of potassium in bones and strengthenings of reflexes (which provide movement of the person) leads to strong disturbance of a physical activity.
7. Hypererethism, nervousness, sleeplessness, feeling of concern and fear, increase in intelligence, acceleration of the speech – are the accompanying hyperthyroidism symptoms.
8. Changes in blood can only be established at a laboratory blood analysis.
9. The frequent and plentiful urination (polyuria) is observed.
10. Women can have a disturbance of a menstrual cycle which can be irregular and is followed by severe pains in the bottom of a stomach (more often at not giving birth girls), scanty allocations, nausea, vomiting, the general weakness, a headache, abdominal distention, feeling of "wadded legs", faints, temperature increase. At men increase in mammary glands and decrease in a potentiality can be observed.
All this results from disturbance of development men's and female sex hormones. It can also lead to infertility.
11. At patients the thyrogenic diabetes arising because of disbolism (intake of nutrients in an organism and their "digestion" for formation of energy) can develop therefore the content of glucose in blood increases. Temperature increase is possible.
Hyperthyroidism reasons:
Arises at the following diseases:
- a diffusion toxic craw (the disease Bazedov's background – Greyvsa – is characterized by an enlargement of the thyroid gland and permanent excess production of hormones by it) in 70-80% of cases;
- a nodal or multinodal craw (in a thyroid gland there can be consolidations not of a clear origin in the form of nodes which increase its activity even stronger);
- sometimes the thyrotoxicosis arises at a subacute thyroiditis (an inflammation of a thyroid gland after the postponed viral infections);
- also reception of too large amount of thyroid hormones in the form of medicines can provoke this disease.
Treatment of the Hyperthyroidism:
In treatment of a hyperthyroidism there are three main methods:
1. Conservative (by means of medicines).
2. Surgical (thyroid gland operations).
3. Treatment by a radioiodine.
The important role in treatment and rehabilitation of patients with a hyperthyroidism is played by also non-drug methods: dietary food, balneotherapy etc.
Patients with a hyperthyroidism have to be under active observation of the doctor-endocrinologist. In time the begun adequate treatment promotes more bystry recovery of good health and prevents development of complications. Recovery treatment in the conditions of the Center of rehabilitation and sanatoria, with the preferential direction on cardiovascular diseases, at least once in 6-8mesyaets is shown to patients.
The choice by the doctor of a method of treatment is influenced by such factors as: it is age of the patient, thyrotoxicosis type, an allergy to medicines, weight of a thyrotoxicosis, and also other diseases and specific features of the person.
Conservative treatment of a hyperthyroidism.
Conservative treatment (by means of medicines) is directed to decrease in formation of excess amount of hormones of a thyroid gland. The anti-thyroid drugs interfering, to accumulation of iodine in gland which is extremely necessary for it for production of hormones concern to them. It is resulted by decrease in its function.
Surgical treatment of a hyperthyroidism.
Surgical treatment consists parts of a thyroid gland by means of operation at a distance. This method of treatment is shown at a single node or growths of the certain site of body, followed by increase in function. After removal of the site with a node of iron supports normal function. If the most part is removed, then the risk of development of a hypothyroidism is possible.
Treatment by a radioiodine. Treatment by a radioiodine or radioyodoterapiya. At such treatment the doctor appoints to the patient the capsule or the aqueous solution containing the radioiodine which does not have a smell and taste. Drug is accepted once. It with a blood flow quickly reaches only those cells of a thyroid gland which have hyperactivity and within several weeks damages cells which saved up it. As a result of action of medical doses of radio iodine the sizes of gland decrease, production of hormones decreases, and contents them in blood falls to norm. Treatment use by a radioiodine goes along with reception of medicines.