
Producer: JSC Biokhimik Republic of Mordovia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: B05AA
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Solution for infusions.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredients: 60 g of polyvinylpirrolidone nizkomolekuyolyarny medical 8000±2000 (povidone), 5,5 g of sodium of chloride, 0,42 g of potassium of chloride, 0,5 g of Calcii chloridum, 0,005 g of magnesium of chloride 6-water, 0,23 g of Natrii hydrocarbonas.
Excipients: water for injections. The received osmolarity from 265 to 323 ¼Äß¼/l.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Gemodez-N differs from Haemodesum in lower molecular mass of the povidone used for its production. Decrease in molecular mass of polymer accelerates removal by his kidneys from an organism and improves disintoxication properties of drug. Strengthens a renal blood stream, increases glomerular filtering and increases a diuresis.
Pharmacokinetics. Is not exposed to metabolic transformations in an organism. Drug is removed by kidneys for 12–13 h.
Indications to use:
As disintoxication means at toxic forms of acute infectious intestinal diseases (dysentery, salmonellosis, etc.); as means of desintoxication in the postoperative period at peritonitis; at the diseases of a liver which are followed by development of a liver failure; at a burn disease, sepsis, and also a hemolitic disease of newborns, a pre-natal infection and a toxaemia of newborns.
Route of administration and doses:
In/in kapelno. Before introduction solution is warmed up to body temperature. Enter in/in kapelno with a speed of 40-80 of cap/min. The single dose depends on age of the patient and weight of intoxication. For adults the maximum single dose — 400 ml.
To children begin with 2,5 ml/kg. The maximum single dose for children of chest age — 50 ml, for children of 2-5 years — 70 ml, for children of 6-9 years — 100–150 ml, for children of 10-15 years — 200 ml.
The drug is administered by 1–2 times a day depending on weight of intoxication.
Features of use:
Single and repeated freezing does not influence quality of drug.
Bottles with the frozen solution maintain at the room temperature before thawing and mix contents.
Side effects:
At slow introduction usually does not cause complications. Introduction with the increased speed can cause decrease in the ABP, tachycardia, difficulty of breath and to demand introduction vasoconstrictive and cardiacs, Calcii chloridum. At certain patients emergence of allergic reactions is possible, up to development of an acute anaphylaxis. In these cases it is necessary to stop immediately infusion, to carry out symptomatic therapy (to administer the antihistaminic, cardiotonic, angiotonic drugs, glucocorticoids).
Hypersensitivity to drug; hematencephalons; cardiovascular insufficiency.
Storage conditions:
At a temperature from 0 to 20 °C. In the place, unavailable to children. Period of validity 3 years. Not to use after the date specified on packaging
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Solution for infusions on 200 or 400 ml in bottles glass.