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Back pain


Lower back pain (low back pain on terminology of English-speaking
authors) - the pain which is localized in a waist, a sacrum and sacroiliac area. Pain can irradiate in buttocks and/or legs from one or two parties.

Symptoms of the Back pain:

The mankind pays with lumbar pain for transition to bipedalism. The back pain can differ and happens: pricking, stupid, acute, aching, burning and so on, it can be localized, or in one vertebral point, or will extend from a waist to all back or to a leg. There is pain as suddenly, and arising almost imperceptible, and then amplifying within several days. Lumbar pains happen different in intensity and often reach intolerableness, intensity depends on age and mental factors, for example, the pains caused by radiculitis at advanced age are very strong. All pains of a waist are caused by jamming of roots of nerves, irritation of a rachis of own nerves, or irritation and hypostasis of the sheaves and muscles which are located in a backbone innervation zone in lumbar department. The most widespread syndromes connected with lumbar department of a backbone is a sciatica (lumbar ishialgia) and a lumbago.

Doctors divide types of a dorsodynia on:
Acute at which duration of pain does not exceed 3 months. This type of pains is most widespread. Most often it is possible to get rid of pain by means of house treatment within 4-6 weeks
Recurrent when the periods of an acute pain repeat. The most part of people endures a minimum once a recurrent pain of a waist.
Chronic which is shown the most part of time, more than three months.

Reasons of the Back pain:

Injuries, too big loadings, stretchings, backbone diseases are the reason of a back pain.

The most frequent reasons for which there are dorsodynias are:
sprains, excessive loadings, injuries, shift of vertebrae (spondylolisthesis, spondylosis);
hernia nuclei pulposi, squeezing of roots of nerves of a spinal cord, shift of vertebrae, stenosis of the vertebral channel, osteochondrosis (which causes degenerative processes in a backbone);
fractures of vertebras which can become result of injuries;
deformations of a backbone (kyphosis, scoliosis, lordosis);
aging: muscles and skin, growing old, lose the force, and it leads to increase of risk of traumatizing. Also vertebrae (the elastic disks located between vertebral bones) can wear out and stop well to perform function of shock-absorbers between bones;
the vertebra fracture (a change compression) caused by osteoporosis, arthritis, inborn problems or diseases of a backbone;

Much less often back pains are caused by an ankylosing spondylitis, infections, Sheyermann's disease (that is, deformation of vertebrae), diseases of internals, Pedzhet's disease. Also there is rare, but very serious problem which carries the name "syndrome of a horse tail", is caused by infringement of nerves at the end of a spinal cord.

Treatment of the Back pain:

Tactics of treatment will depend on gravity of your state. The majority of back pains demand conservative treatment, however a certain group of problems demand immediate surgical intervention. In most cases the patient will need insignificant manipulations which will help to cope with pain quickly.

Problems of conservative treatment:
- To save from pain
- To make the program of treatment-and-prophylactic actions for delay of degenerative and dystrophic processes in your backbone
- To return the person to normal activity as soon as possible.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Back pain:

  • Препарат Нимесил®.


    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NPVS).

    Berlin-Chemie AG/Menarini Group (Berlin-Hemi AG/Menarini Group) Germany

  • Препарат Диклопентил.


    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Derivatives of acetic acid. Diclofenac in a combination with other drugs.

    RUP of Belmedpreparata Republic of Belarus

  • Препарат Ф-гель.


    The means influencing a musculoskeletal system.

    CJSC Pharmaceutical Firm Darnitsa Ukraine

  • Препарат Живокоста настойка.

    Zhivokosta tincture

    Drugs which render assistance to healing of wounds.

    "Vishpha" Ukraine

  • Препарат Цитрамон Экстра, табл. № 10.

    Citramonum Extra, tab. No.

    The means operating on a nervous system.

    CJSC Pharmaceutical Firm Darnitsa Ukraine

  • Препарат Диклофенак-натрий.


    Non-narcotic analgesics, including NPVS.

    RUP of Belmedpreparata Republic of Belarus

  • Сайт детского здоровья