Hypertensive crisis
- Description
- Symptoms of Hypertensive crisis
- Reasons of Hypertensive crisis
- Treatment of Hypertensive crisis
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Hypertensive crisis — the medical emergency caused by excessive increase in arterial pressure and which is shown a clinical picture of damage of a target organ provides immediate decrease in level of arterial pressure for prevention of defeat of third-party bodies.
Symptoms of Hypertensive crisis:
During hypertensive crisis symptoms of disturbance of blood supply of bodies and systems, most often a brain and heart are observed:
* Increase in diastolic arterial pressure is higher than 110-120 mm hg.
* Headache
* Asthma
* Stethalgias
* Neurologic disturbances (vomiting, spasms, consciousness disturbance, paralyzes)
Hypertensive crisis constitutes danger to patients with already existing heart troubles and a brain.

Histologic changes of internals at hypertensive crises
Reasons of Hypertensive crisis:
In development of hypertensive crisis an important role is played by a ratio of the general peripheric resistance of vessels to the size of cordial emission. Disturbances of vascular regulation are resulted by a spasm of arterioles owing to what there is an increase in heart rate, the vicious circle develops, and there is a sharp rise in arterial pressure, and because of a spasm many bodies appear in a condition of a hypoxia that can lead to development of ischemic complications.
It is proved that at hypertensive crisis the hyperactivity a system renin-angiotenzinovoy is observed that leads to emergence of a vicious circle including damage of vessels, increase of ischemia and as a result increase in products of a renin. It was revealed that decrease in content in blood of vasodilators leads to growth of the general peripheric resistance of vessels. As a result the fibrinoid necrosis of arterioles develops and permeability of vessels grows. In definition of the forecast and the accompanying complications existence and expressiveness of pathology of coagulant system of blood is extremely important.

Pathogeny and etiolgichesky factors of development of hypertensive crisis
Treatment of Hypertensive crisis:
For stopping of the complicated hypertensive crisis use intravenous administration of such medicines as enalaprilat, nifedipine, clonidine. Within the first 2 hours the level of the average ABP has to be reduced by 20-25% (no more), then within 6 hours to 160/100 mm of mercury. Further (at improvement of health) transfer to the tableted drugs. Treatment is begun at a pre-hospital stage. Hospitalization in a hospital, in intensive care unit is obligatory.
Depending on associated diseases therapy of hypertensive crisis can differ. Complications of hypertensive crisis: fluid lungs, wet brain, acute disorder of cerebral circulation.

Tactics of treatment of hypertensive crisis