Secondary hyper aldosteronism
- Description
- Symptoms of the Secondary hyper aldosteronism
- Reasons of the Secondary hyper aldosteronism
- Treatment of the Secondary hyper aldosteronism
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The secondary hyper aldosteronism represents the increase in level of Aldosteronum developing as a result of activation system renin-angiotensin-aldosteronovoy at various disturbances of water and electrolytic exchange, caused by increase in products of a renin.
Symptoms of the Secondary hyper aldosteronism:
The secondary hyper aldosteronism has no specific clinical manifestations as is a compensatory phenomenon at many diseases and states, at the same time electrolytic changes, characteristic of primary hyper aldosteronism, at it never develop.

Hyper aldosteronism (the roentgenogram in the conditions of a pneumoretroperitoneum)
Reasons of the Secondary hyper aldosteronism:
The secondary hyper aldosteronism is observed at:
- heart failure,
- cirrhosis,
- chronic nephrite (promotes development of hypostases).
Speed of products of Aldosteronum at patients with a secondary aldosteronism it is frequent above, than at primary aldosteronism.
The secondary aldosteronism is combined usually with bystry development of hypertensia or arises owing to edematous states. At pregnancy the secondary aldosteronism represents normal physiological reaction to the increase in level of substrate of a renin caused by estrogen in blood and activity of a renin of plasma.
At hypertensive states the secondary aldosteronism develops owing to primary hyperproduction of a renin (primary reninizm) or because of its such hyperproduction which is caused by reduction of a renal blood-groove or renal perfused pressure. Secondary hypersecretion of a renin a consequence of the narrowing of one or both main renal arteries caused by an atherosclerotic plaque or a fibromuscular hyperplasia.
Hyperproduction of a renin both kidneys arises at a heavy arteriolar nephrosclerosis (malignant hypertensia) or owing to narrowing of deep renal vessels (a phase of acceleration of hypertensia).
Treatment of the Secondary hyper aldosteronism:
At a secondary hyper aldosteronism carry out the symptomatic therapy directed to increase in removal of sodium with urine (верошпирон, etc.), and also treatment of the basic disease which was the reason of a hyper aldosteronism.
At a secondary hyper aldosteronism the forecast depends on weight of a basic disease and success of its treatment.