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Mecotic colpitis


The mecotic colpitis represents the inflammatory disease of a vagina caused by trichomonads – the elementary organisms belonging to the class of flagellates.

Symptoms of the Mecotic colpitis:

Trichomoniasis – a disease multifocal. The colpitis is most often observed, however the vagina inflammation is quite often accompanied by an urethritis, a cervicitis, sometimes a proctitis. In literature penetration of trichomonads into a uterus (endometritis), uterine tubes (salpingitis) and even in an abdominal cavity is described.

The clinic of a disease is usually characterized by the colpitis phenomena (acute or chronic). Patients complain on bleach, an itch and burning in external genitals, feeling of weight in a stomach bottom. At survey in mirrors the mucous membrane of a vagina is hyperemic, there are plentiful whitish or putreform foamy allocations. It is necessary to consider that the vials of gas which are contained in vulval belyakh are formed not owing to life activity of trichomonads, and as a result of the accompanying reproduction of a gas-forming micrococcus.

In a chronic stage of a disease of reddening of a mucous membrane of a vagina it is almost imperceptible though allocations completely do not disappear. Long influence is more white on a vulval part of a neck of uterus, and also frequent accession to a mecotic colpitis of a specific cervicitis is led to developing of a circular erosion of a neck of uterus. Accession to a colpitis of a mecotic urethritis is shown by emergence of complaints to gripes at an urination.
The trichomoniasis of generative organs of the woman is characterized by a long current and tendency to a recurrence. Often there is a reinfection caused by repeated entering in a genital tract of the woman of contagiums from the patient with the husband's urethritis. Now often it is necessary to observe patients with the erased disease forms. Quite often the trikhomonadonositelstvo meets.
The specific mention is deserved by a trichomoniasis at pregnant women.

Frequency of this disease makes up to 9%. Mecotic defeats proyavyaltsya in the form of a vulvitis, a colpitis and an endocervicitis. The ascending infection is possible. Quite often the trichomoniasis of uric ways (an urethritis, cystitis, a pyelitis) joins a colpitis. There is a danger of transplacental infection of a fruit trichomonads. At a trichomoniasis during pregnancy the frequency of misbirths, especially in early durations of gestation increases. Therefore a trichomoniasis during pregnancy it is necessary to treat correctly and timely.

Reasons of the Mecotic colpitis:

Activators are brought in a vagina sexually in the presence of trichomonads in an urethra at the man. Therefore the trichomoniasis with good reason can be ranked as venereal diseases. Extra sexual infection is observed extremely seldom. Emergence of clinical manifestations of a trichomoniasis is promoted by the general diseases, dysfunctions of ovaries, a hypovitaminosis, the previous changes in a mucous membrane of a vagina.

Treatment of the Mecotic colpitis:

Treatment of a mecotic colpitis has to be based on the following principles: 1) inspection of the husband and his simultaneous treatment in case of detection of a trichomonad (urologists will see off); 2) therapy of associated diseases and functional disturbances; 3) impact on all centers of dwelling of trichomonads (vagina, neck of uterus, urethra); 4) prohibition of sex life during treatment (danger of repeated infection) or use of the male condoms interfering hit of the infected sperm in a genital tract of the woman.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Mecotic colpitis:

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