Furasolidone таб. 50 mg, No. 10 Comte./cell.

Producer: JSC Marbiofarm Russia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: G01AX06
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active agent: furasolidone – 50 mg Excipients: potato starch, edible gelatin, aerosil (silicon dioxide colloid), calcium stearate 1-water (stearate calcium monohydrate).
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Drug belongs to antimicrobic and antiprotozoan means. Possesses bacteriostatic action in relation to microbes. The mechanism of action consists in disturbance of activity of some fermental systems of bacteria. Action spectrum: gram-positive cocci (Streptococcus, Staphylococcus), gram-negative sticks (Escherichia, Salmonella, Shigella, Proteus, Klebsiella, Enterobacter), elementary (Lamblia). From causative agents of intestinal infections causative agents of dysentery, typhoid and paratyphus are most sensitive. Stability develops slowly.
Pharmacokinetics. At oral administration furasolidone is poorly soaked up and inactivated in intestines. Only about 5% of drug are removed from an organism with urine in not changed look or in the form of metabolites, at the same time painting urine in brown color.
Indications to use:
Dysentery; paratyphus; lambliasis, food toxicoinfections; mecotic colpitis, urethritis; contaminated wounds and burns.
Route of administration and doses:
Furasolidone is appointed inside. For treatment of a paratyphoid, dysentery, food toxicoinfections adults accept 100-150 mg after food 4 times a day for 5-10 days (duration of reception depends on character and weight of pathological process). In the same doses furasolidone can be accepted cycles for 3-6 days (intervals of 3-4 days). Doses for children – 10 mg/kg of body weight a day (the daily dose is distributed on 3-4 receptions). Furasolidone is not recommended to appoint more than 10 days. At treatment of a lambliasis adults accept 100 mg of furasolidone 4 times a day, children – in a dose of 10 mg/kg of body weight a day (the daily dose is distributed on 3-4 receptions). The highest daily doses for adults for intake: one-time – 200 mg, daily – 800 mg.
Side effects:
Emergence of nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite is possible; in some cases allergic reactions can develop. For reduction of side reactions at use of furasolidone it is recommended to accept it before food and to wash down drug with a large amount of liquid, if necessary to reduce a dose, to appoint antihistaminic drugs and vitamins of group B. At the expressed by-effects it is necessary to stop drug use.
Interaction with other medicines:
Furasolidone is monoamine oxidase inhibitor; at its use the same precautionary measures, as have to be observed at use of other monoamine oxidase inhibitors. Aminoglycosides and tetracyclines increase antimicrobic properties of furasolidone. Sensibilizes an organism to alcohol, development of disulfiramopodobny reactions at simultaneous use with ethanol is possible. Furasolidone increases oppression of a hemopoiesis against the background of chloramphenicol and Ristomycinum.
Hypersensitivity, end-stage of a chronic renal failure, pregnancy, the lactation period, children's age (till 1 year).
With care: A chronic renal failure, deficit glyukozo-6-fosfatdegidrogenazy, diseases of a liver and a nervous system, it is necessary to refrain from alcohol intake during treatment by drug in connection with possible interaction.
Symptoms: acute toxic hepatitis, gematotoksichnost, neurotoxicity (polyneuritis). Treatment: drug withdrawal, reception of a large amount of liquid, symptomatic therapy, antihistaminic medicines, group B vitamins.
Storage conditions:
In the dry, protected from light place. To store in the place, unavailable to children.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Tablets of 50 mg. On 10 tablets in planimetric strip or bezjyacheykovy packaging. On 250 planimetric bezjyacheykovy packagings with the equal number of application instructions place in a box from a cardboard. 3 or 5 blister strip packagings together with the application instruction place in a pack from a cardboard. It is allowed to place blister strip packagings with the equal number of application instructions in a box from a cardboard.