The infected burns
The complication of burns connected with loss of the integument performing barrier antimicrobic function, existence of necrotic masses and exudate, microcirculation disturbance, toxic defeat of surrounding fabrics.
Symptoms of the Infected burns:
With development of an infection of a naked surface, temperature increases, there are oznoba, the leukocytosis and a neutrocytosis accrues, anemia, etc. develops, the septic phenomena (a septic phase of a course of a burn) accrue.
The reasons of the Infected burns:
Patients with the infected burns, especially deep and extensive, have a sharp decrease of the activity of factors of natural immunity and ability to an immune response on infectious agents that complicates and makes heavier the course of local infectious process and promotes its generalization, emergence of a septicopyemia and microbic toxaemia. Infection of a wound begins right after a burn on site of incident with normal sites of skin, air, clothes, etc. objects of external environment. In a hospital this extra hospital, as a rule, low-virulent and sensitive to an antibakter. to drugs microflora is forced out by intrahospital strains. The leading causative agents of infectious burns during this period are golden staphylococcus, a pyocyanic stick, enterobakteriya, a streptococcus. At deep the infected burns often allocate anaerobic microorganisms. Among the called bacteria the leading place keeps staphylococcus, recently the specific weight of a pyocyanic stick sharply increased. Prevalence of an enterobakteriya after the expressed their rise in the seventies was stabilized a little, but continues to remain high. Frequent presence at a wound of population of several types, the expressed their heterogeneity and variability are characteristic. Sepsis and the secondary centers of an infection are caused by the same types. Especially hard, with severe intoxication psevdomonadny sepsis proceeds. Apply allocation to clarification of an etiology to-ry. As material for a research serves the discharge of burn wounds, a cut take away a tampon from deep layers of a burn wound. Crops is done on ZhSA (on staphylococcus), Wednesday with furaginy (on pseudo-monads), a blood agar (for allocation of streptococci, etc. types). Crops is carried out by a quantitative method since at microbic associations only this method allows to establish the leading activator. From each type of colonies on Petri's cups sift on some to-r (in connection with heterogeneity of populations) and identify them according to the standard tests. It is necessary to repeat a research each 5 - 7 days as species and alternative composition of activators is often changed. At septic states blood is subject to a research.
Treatment of the Infected burns:
Treatment on правиласм maintaining thermal burns is carried out, antibacterial agents, the disintoxication therapy, completion of OTsK supporting and symptomatic therapy are applied.