Neck phlegmon
- Description
- Neck Phlegmon symptoms
- Neck Phlegmon reasons
- Treatment of Phlegmon of a neck
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Phlegmon of a neck is a serious illness at which, there is a defeat of interfascial and mezhkletchatochny spaces of a neck. At phlegmon of a neck there is a filling with pus of these or those interfascial spaces. It can be superficial defeats – hypodermic phlegmon of a neck, and deep defeats – intermuscular phlegmons of a neck, interfascial phlegmons of a neck. Considering complexity of an anatomic structure of a neck, phlegmons of a neck have various localization. Unlike the abscesses developing in areas of a neck, phlegmon of a neck has no elastic walls and is limited to fastion.
Neck Phlegmon symptoms:
Neck phlegmon, depending on localization and a depth, can prove differently. Rather difficult happens to define existence of phlegmon of a neck at a deep bedding, at small phlegmon. In such cases, manifestations on skin, in the field of a projection of phlegmon of a neck can be absent. Body temperature does not increase to high figures, displays of intoxication are expressed not strongly. To find extensive or outside phlegmons of a neck much more simply. At the same time on the surface of skin noticeable reddening, a swelling, morbidity will be shown. At a palpation of hypodermic phlegmon of a neck, fluctuation (will be noticeable usually at defeat of several adjacent areas), pronounced morbidity, tension of skin. The general condition of the patient – heavy or moderate severity.
At phlegmons of a neck swallowing difficulty, breath difficulty (is possible at a prelum of a gullet or throat). At submaxillary phlegmon of a neck, and phlegmons of a neck of close localizations, the mouth otryvaniye, chewing of food is complicated. The mouth can be in a half-open state, the unpleasant, putrefactive smell is observed. When progressing pathological process, the condition of the patient can worsen promptly with increase of displays of intoxication. Peripheral blood shows a picture of an acute inflammation. SOE raises to 40-50 mm/hour.

Localization of phlegmons on a neck
Neck Phlegmon reasons:
At neck phlegmon, pus can spread from one interfascial space in another, forming extensive, diffuse areas of defeat. The contagium rather easily can extend on friable interfascial cellulose, striking connecting fabric, muscles, vessels, lymph nodes. Neck phlegmon, can arise owing to the complicated course of lacunary and catarral quinsies, opening of retropharyngeal and peritonsillar abscesses, periodontitis, an alveolitis, osteomyelitis of a mandible, otitises, damage of a backbone (osteomyelitis of cervical vertebrae, or an occipital bone - deep, back phlegmons of a neck), diseases of a thyroid gland, injuries. Hit of the activator in friable cellulose can happen in the different ways: with a blood flow (gematogenno), with lymph current (limfogenno), directly at a pus zatyoka from already available inflammation center. Various causative organisms can be causative agents of phlegmon of a neck: beta hemolitic streptococcus of group A, staphylococcus, clostridium (anaerobic microflora), colibacillus, pyocyanic stick.
Treatment of Phlegmon of a neck:
At detection of phlegmon of a neck operational treatment is supposed.