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Iyersinioz — an infectious disease of the person and animals. Typical fever, intoxication, gastrointestinal tract disease, joints, skin. Tendency to a wavy current with aggravations and a recurrence. The activator concerns to family of enterobakteriya, a sort of iyersiniya. The role of various animals as source of infections is inadequate. An activator tank in the nature are the small rodents living as in the wild nature, and synanthropic. More significant source of infection for people are cows and small cattle which are ill sharply or allocate the activator. The main way of transmission of infection — alimentary, that is through food stuffs, most often vegetables. Are ill iyersiniozy at any age, but children in 1-3 years are more often. Generally sporadic cases prevail, autumn and winter seasonality is observed.

Iyersineoz's symptoms:

Symptoms are extremely diverse. Signs of defeat of various bodies and systems come to light in this or that sequence. Most often иерсиниоз begins with an acute gastroenteritis. Further the disease can proceed or as acute intestinal infection, or generalized — i.e. widespread on all organism. The general signs are inherent to all forms: acute beginning, fever, intoxication, abdominal pains, frustration of a chair, rash, joint pains, increase in a liver, tendency to aggravations and recurrence. Taking into account duration distinguish acute (up to 3 months), long (from 3 to 6 months) and chronic (more than 6 months) disease.

The incubation interval of an iyersinioz 1-2 days, can reach 10 days. Symptoms of damage of intestines in the form of a gastroenteritis, a gastroenterocolitis, a mezentrerialny limfoadenit, a coloenteritis, a terminal ileitis, an acute appendicitis are most constantly shown. An abdominal pain of constant or skhvatkoobrazny character, various localization, nausea, vomiting, a liquid chair with slime and pus, sometimes blood from 2 to 15 times a day. Symptoms of the general intoxication are shown in the following: high temperature, in hard cases — toxicosis, dehydration and decrease in body temperature. In an onset of the illness dot or melkopyatnisty rash on a trunk and extremities, damage of a liver, a meningeal syndrome can develop. During later period — mono or polyarthritis, a knotty erythema, myocarditis, conjunctivitis, an iritis. These manifestations are regarded as allergic reaction. In peripheral blood the neutrophylic leukocytosis, the raised SOE is observed. The disease lasts from a week to several months.

Iyersineoz's reasons:

The etiological agent - Y. enterocolitica, treat the sort Yersinia, the Enterobacteriaceae family. Optimum temperature for life activity of iyersiniya - 22-28os, however they can breed also at lower temperatures - 4-10os since they are steady against influence of the environment. They are capable is long to exist in various objects of the environment and can remain long time in the soil (up to 4 months) and in water (of a month and more). Getting to various foodstuff (vegetables, milk, meat), they breed in them, allocating metabolism products, including and toxic, as leads to formation of factors of transfer.

Iyersineoz's treatment:

In the absence of associated diseases, in cases of a lung and the erased current of an iyersinioz, patients can be treated by the infectiologist at home. In a basis — the pathogenetic and causal treatment directed to desintoxication, recovery of vodnoelektrolitny losses, normal composition of blood, suppression of the activator. Medicamentous means — levomycetinum at the rate of 2,0 g a day 12 days, from other drugs — tetracycline, gentamycin, Rondomycinum, doxycycline and others in usual daily dosages.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for Iyersineoz's treatment:

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