DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Surgery Appendicitis



Appendicitis call changes of inflammatory character in a worm-shaped shoot.  The appendix is the small shoot departing from the main part of a large intestine and is localized in the lower right area of a stomach. It is considered that the worm-shaped shoot has no useful functions in a human body.

Расположение червеобразного отростка в брюшной полости

Arrangement of a worm-shaped shoot in an abdominal cavity

Appendicitis symptoms:

Symptoms can vary over a wide range, especially among children.
The most common early symptom is the continuous abdominal pain around a navel which can pass into the lower right part of a stomach, becoming more sharply. Often hurts prevents the patient to move, amplifies at cough.
Also appendicitis is followed by such symptoms as:
- temperature increase;
- appetite loss;
- nausea;
- vomiting;
- locks or ponosa.
Except physical inspection for diagnosis additional researches can be required:
- X-ray research;
- computer tomography;
- blood test;
- the analysis of urine (to exclude infections of urinary tract).
Appendicitis can is sometimes difficult to be diagnosed, especially for children of younger age.

Appendicitis complications.
If the inflamed appendix is not removed, that is danger of its gap. If it occurs, the infected contents of a shoot will pour out in an abdominal cavity. It is much more serious medical problem – peritonitis which constitutes big danger develops. Signs of perforation of an appendix include sharp deterioration in symptoms.

Appendicitis reasons:

Appendicitis, as a rule, develops as a result of a blockage of vessels in its wall. It causes puffiness of a wall of a shoot, and it can easily catch bacteria.
Appendicitis meets at any age, however most often develops aged between 10 and 30 years.

Treatment of Appendicitis:

Treatment of appendicitis consists the inflamed appendix at a distance.
Two methods of carrying out appendectomy are used:
- in the open way (access is provided laparotomichesk);
- laparoscopic appendectomy - three small a section as "keyhole" are access to the place of an inflammation.
If there are intraoperative difficulties, laparoscopic appendectomy can be transferred in laparotomichesky. There are cases when during operation for appendicitis other reason of the arisen clinical symptomatology is found absolutely. In such cases try urgently, to remove the cause during the same operative measure.

Аппендэктомия - удаление червеобразного отростка

Appendectomy - removal of a worm-shaped shoot

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Appendicitis:

  • Препарат Но-шпа®.



    Sanofi-Aventis Private Co.Ltd (Sanofi-Aventis Pravit. Co. Ltd.) France


  • Препарат Галавит.



    CJSC TsSM Medikor Russia

  • Препарат Эхинацея композитум С.

    Purple cone-flower a compositum With

    Complex homeopathic medicine.

    Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH (Biologishe Haylmittel Heel Gmbh) Germany


  • Препарат Галавит.



    CJSC TsSM Medikor Russia

  • Препарат Зоперцин®.


    Antibiotic penicillin semi-synthetic + beta лактамаз inhibitor.

    Orchid Healthcare (Orkhid Helskea) India

  • Препарат Галавит.



    CJSC TsSM Medikor Russia

  • Препарат Меропенабол®.


    Antibiotic from group of karbapenem.

    LLC ABOLMED Russia

  • Препарат Боринем.


    Antibiotic from group of karbapenem.

    JSC Borisovsky Plant of Medical Supplies Republic of Belarus

  • Сайт детского здоровья