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Myocarditis — inflammatory damage of a cardiac muscle.

Myocarditis symptoms:

Myocarditis begins against the background of an infection or soon after it with an indisposition, sometimes persistent heartaches, heartbeat and interruptions in its work and an asthma, occasionally — morbidities in joints. Body temperature normal or slightly raised. The beginning of a disease can be imperceptible or hidden. Early the heart sizes increase. Important, but not constant signs are disturbances cordial a rhythm (tachycardia — its increase, bradycardia — its urezheniye, a ciliary arrhythmia, premature ventricular contraction) and conductivity (various blockade). There can be acoustic symptoms — dullness of tones, a cantering rhythm, systolic noise. Myocarditis can be complicated by development of heart failure, emergence of blood clots in cardial cavities which, in turn, carried by a blood flow, cause necrosis (heart attacks) of other bodies (thromboembolism). Disease can be acute, subacute, chronic (recurrent).

Myocarditis reasons:

On an etiology distinguish rheumatic, infectious (virus, bacterial, rickettsial, etc.), allergic (medicinal, serumal, postvaccinal), at diffusion diseases of connecting fabric, injuries, burns, influence of the ionizing radiation. Allocate also idiopathic (that is the obscure nature) Abramov-Fidlera's myocarditis. The leading role in development of inflammatory process belongs to an allergy and disturbance of immunity.

Treatment of Myocarditis:

Bed rest. Early purpose of glucocorticoid hormones (Prednisolonum), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (aspirin, Butadionum, ibuprofen, indometacin). Treatment of heart failure, disturbances of a cordial rhythm and conductivity is carried out. Apply the means improving processes of recovery of a metabolism in a heart muscle: retabolil, Nerobolum, inosine, vitamins of group B and C. At long disease — delagil, plaquenil.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Myocarditis:

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