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Inflammation of a renal pelvis.

Pyelitis symptoms:

The acute or subacute pyelitis is shown by severe pain in lumbar area. Depending on process localization (on the one hand or from two) pains also happen unilateral or bilateral. Intensity of pains depends on degree and prevalence of inflammatory process. At easy effleurage in a waist pain sharply amplifies.
It is almost difficult to present the isolated inflammation only of renal cups and a pelvis without involvement in process of an urethra, a bladder and ureters. It is necessary to emphasize that in renal cups and a pelvis process is localized more often than in other departments. The pain syndrome is accompanied by fever and inflammatory changes in urine (especially increase in number of leukocytes).

Pyelitis reasons:

On a clinical current can be acute and chronic. Most often it is result of the ascending infection from the lower urinary tract: urethra, bladder and ureters. An urolithiasis with existence of stones in cups, and also various malformations of an urinary system (doubling of cups, doubling of an ureter, a fused kidney, etc.) promote existence of an infection in urinary ways, and also aggravations of inflammatory process.

Treatment of the Pyelitis:

Treatment is defined by the doctor. It is necessary to carry out carefully and regularly all appointments completely to liquidate inflammatory process. Insufficiently treated inflammation is fraught with spread of an infection on other sites of a kidney and development of a renal failure. When determining efficiency of treatment bacteriological laboratory control is important.
Very often, at the accompanying urolithiasis, treatment difficult as it is difficult to liquidate process, a current its long, chronic. Practically it is in such cases about the prevention of aggravations.
Quite often after removal of a pain syndrome patients mistakenly consider themselves healthy. However changes in analyses of urine keep much longer, so, process is not liquidated therefore treatment should be carried out before normalization of analyses of urine, i.e. recovery Has to be not only clinical, but also laboratory.