Candidiasis of a vagina (Milkwoman)
- Description
- Reasons of Candidiasis of a vagina (Milkwoman)
- Symptoms of Candidiasis of a vagina (Milkwoman)
- Diagnosis
- Treatment of Candidiasis of a vagina (Milkwoman)
- Prevention
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see also:
The milkwoman (candidosis colpitis, vagina candidiasis) are abolevany vaginas of the inflammatory nature for as which etiological agent serves the fungal infection. The milkwoman is inclined to frequent recuring against the background of decrease in immunity. About 5% of the diseased celebrate a disease recurrence more often than 1 quarterly.
Reasons of Candidiasis of a vagina (Milkwoman):
The milkwoman develops more often in the period before periods. The huge role is played by decrease in local immunity of a mucous membrane of a vagina.
The limited quantity of drozhzhevidny fungi lives in a human body at physiological conditions. Mucous membranes of an oral cavity, gastrointestinal system, a vagina – their usual habitat. At the milkwoman their quantity sharply increases that causes inflammatory reaction.
It is established that as the reason of the milkwoman serve fungi of the sort Candida albicans. Normal growth of fungal flora is contained by lactobacilli. However, at disturbance of balance of microflora, drozhzhevidny fungi easily breed, causing patholologically process. Many diseased notes communication of emergence or the milkwoman's recurrence against the background of reception of antibiotics, as is explained by adverse effect of drugs on vagina microflora.
The set of factors under the influence of which the risk of development of the milkwoman increases is allocated:
- reception of hormonal therapy
- pregnancy
- secondary and primary immunodeficience
- intercurrent diseases, first of all, diabetes mellitus
- violation of the rules of personal hygiene
- wearing synthetic linen and close trousers
Favorable condition for reproduction of fungal flora is the wet environment. For this reason after bathing in a reservoir and sports activities it is necessary to replace linen as soon as possible. Not in the best way influences microflora of a vagina of hygienic laying and tampons with outlets, and also the flavored toilet paper.
Recurrence of a disease is explained by the person of reactions of an organism – hypersensitivity to sort Candida fungi.
It is worth to remember about the mechanism of transmission of infection from mother to the child both at natural childbirth, and after Cesarean section.

Growth of fungi of Candida in vitro
Symptoms of Candidiasis of a vagina (Milkwoman):
Symptoms of the milkwoman are quite characteristic and known many to women. The first complaints is the itch or burning sensation in a vagina, then vulval allocations appear. Allocations can be not plentiful and not have a smell, however most often they dense, curdled, in the form of flakes.
One of important signs is strengthening of an itch after the hygienic procedures, in the evening. Intensity of an itch is so big that prevents to fall asleep.
Essential symptom of the milkwoman is morbidity at sexual intercourse.
The milkwoman causes discomfort and thereof, reduces quality of life. Besides, behind a mask of the milkwoman other, more serious diseases – an endometritis and a salpingitis can disappear.
Vaginal candidiasis at pregnancy assumes the increased risk of a misbirth and pre-natal infection of a fruit.

Fungal infection of mucous membranes
Except clinical manifestations, in diagnosis of the milkwoman plays laboratory inspection.
At microscopic examination of a smear of vulval allocations drozhzhevidny fungi are diagnosed, it is frequent in the form of a pseudo-mycelium and a blastospor. The asymptomatic kandidonositelstvo revealed at 60% of women is shown by detection only a blastospor.
Chronic and recurrent uniforms of the milkwoman assume a cultural method of a research, including definition of sensitivity to anti-mycotic therapy. The ready test systems "Fungi-test" and "Kandiselekt" are for this purpose convenient in use.
Diagnosis of candidiasis by a bezpriborny method is possible according to the analysis of urine by means of use of Litos-sistemy.
Treatment of Candidiasis of a vagina (Milkwoman):
The basis of treatment of the milkwoman is a combination of antiinflammatory and antifungal drugs.
Antifungal drugs are used in the form of tablets, capsules, vaginal candles and creams. Active ingredients of vaginal creams and candles: Miconazolum, Clotrimazolum, тиоконазол and others. Vaginal creams are on sale in packaging with special applicators that significantly facilitates their use. Besides, by means of the applicator it is possible to process area of external genitals which can be also struck at the milkwoman.
The modern tableted antifungal drugs have high performance and safety of action. The drug dose hidden in only one capsule is capable to stop the acute, not started vagina candidiasis.
These drugs are used by a course according to the instruction to drug. It is very important to complete a course of treatment up to the end even if symptoms of the milkwoman disappeared earlier.
Measures of prevention of the milkwoman are quite simple performed by. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to underwear – it has to be from natural fabrics. Naturalness of fabric is welcomed at the choice and clothes.
Performing hygienic procedures, do not forget about correctness of use of napkins in the direction from a vagina to an anus to avoid infection with an indestinal flora. Choosing hygienic laying, tampons and napkins, stop the choice on not flavored. Remember that hygienic laying is subject to change each 3-4 hours. At sexual intercourse use condom which will protect not only from AIDS, venereal diseases, but also from the milkwoman.